[b]November 6[sup]th[/sup] 11:00[/b] Mashai leaned on his cane as he watched one of the younger employees from his old business hook up his newly bought NerveGear to his computer. Which he still barely knew how to use. After the young man finished hooking up it up, Mashai paid the man and said, [color=00FF21]"Thanks you're a life savior, I'm still confused how these things work."[/color] When the young man left, he decided to do some work around the house. [hr] [b]November 6[sup]th[/sup] 12:30[/b] Mashai grabbed his drinking glass and walked into the kitchen. He walked up to the kitchen sink and held his cup under the faucet. Then he turned on the water; after the drinking glass was filled to Mashai's liking, he turned off the water. He walked into his living room and sat down in his chair, setting his drinking glass and his cane on the small table next to him. Mashai picked up his glass and took a sip of water. He set the glass and picked up the phone that was on the table and called to his daughter's house to talk to his granddaughter Hanako, who was his favorite grandchild but he didn't let anyone know that, about what the plan was for Sword Art Online. [hr] [b]November 6[sup]th[/sup] 12:53[/b] Mashai walked into his bedroom, which he had just rearranged so his computer was next to his bed, and sat down on the chair in front of his computer desk. He turned on his computer by pressing the button on the front of the tower. Mashai wished everything involving computers was that easy, but sadly for him they weren't. Then he put the NerveGear on his head and calibrated it by patting all over his body, following what he was told to do. After he finished what he needed to do he noticed it was 12:59, so he laid down on his bed. When 13:00 arrived, Mashai said, "Link Start," which his granddaughter reminded him to say while they were talking on the phone. After he said that all he could see was white, then a lot of different color cylinders 'flew' past him. Then circular things saying one of the five senses appeared one by one, after a second each said "OK". Then the all disappeared and was followed by a blue box saying "Language" then another one branched off from it and said "Japanese." After that was a log in box, which he logged in. Next was character creation, which he made to look like himself only younger, by quite a few years. Mashai completed character creation and then a screen saying "Welcome to Sword Art Online!" appeared. Then he was in the game, Mashai or Ojiisan as his gaming handle was, which was a phrase he picked up from some kids playing another game. He had to blink a couple times, because his vision was blurry. Ojiisan looked around, after his vision cleared up, and said, [color=00FF21]"Wow this looks so real."[/color] Ojiisan snapped out of his trance and started to look for his three grandchildren. After searching for his grandchildren in the Town of Beginnings for awhile Ojiisan decided to look for them in the fields surrounding the town. While searching for the them he was attacked multiple times by [color=red]Frenzied Boars[/color] and [color=blue]Dire Wolves[/color]. With extreme luck Ojiisan survived all of the attacks for a couple hours. Then all of a sudden he was enveloped in a light. [i][color=00FF21]'What the hell is going on,"[/color][/i] thought Ojiisan. Then when the light faded, Ojiisan noticed he was in the same spot he first arrived in the game. Ojiisan didn't really understand what was going on, but he got the gist of it, like that they were stuck in the game until they beat and that if they died in the game they died in real life. Ojiisan opened his inventory like everyone else, and looked at the mirror. After doing that he was enveloped in light yet again. After it faded, he saw his normal face looking back at him in the mirror. Ojiisan was wondering how it knew how he looked, but his thoughts where cut short when he heard a voice that sounded like his granddaughter, Hanako. So he rushed to where he thought the voice was coming from, somewhat shoving people out of his way, while yelling [color=00FF21]"Hanako... Hanako... Hanako!!!"[/color]