[center][h1][color=indigo]YukiHana[/color][/h1][/center] [b]November 6[sup]th[/sup] 12:30[/b] Receiving a call from her Grandfather, Hanako spoke happily about the new game her parents got her. The chance to play the newly released [b]Sword Art Online[/b]. She explained the details of how the game started, seeing the advertisements for it. After they spoke, she went and had her lunch with her parents. [hr] [b]November 6[sup]th[/sup] 12:57[/b] Turning on the computer excitedly, Hanako put on the NervGear, and jumped into bed. Lying down, in a comfortable position, she spoke the magical words, [color=indigo]"Link Start!"[/color]. With the flying colors, and words passing by, she was excited. There, upon character creation, she created her character, to look like her idealised future self. She also had to create a handle name. Unable to decide, she joined her name, to create YukiHana. Snow flower. With such a name, she decided to giver her character long white hair, and be 165 cm tall. Entering the game, she was so excited to feel with her new body. The world seemed so different from this height. Her reach felt so much longer. She looked through the menus and the items available. With only the beginning equipment, she equipped her armor and starter sword to her waist. She roamed and roamed around looking at all of the different stores, the different buildings. The Town of Beginnings. It really did feel like where something new will begin. Eventually, she wondered off into the fields, where she was suddenly attacked by a [color=red]Frenzied Boar[/color]. Taking some damage, she cried out [color=indigo]"Ow!"[/color]. It didn't hurt her though. The pain was more like a prick. Nothing painful. She tried to strike the boar with her sword, but it did hardly any damage. [color=indigo]"What is going on?"[/color] she cried. Running from the enemy, she did not know what to do. YukiHana then saw someone else's sword, start to glow, as he went to strike the boar. She noticed the position he was in, and attempted to imitate it. Raising her sword to her shoulder, it started to glow. Following through, her body stepped forward, and cut downwards at the [color=red]Frenzied Boar[/color]. It took much more damage this time. She tried to repeat, but did not know about the ability's cooldown period. She ended up being attacked again, and before she was finally able to defeat it. [color=indigo]"Phew"[/color] she sighed with relief. Finally, she remembered about her grandfather and her cousins. [color=indigo]"Oh that's right, I have to find my ojii-san!"[/color] she said, rushing back into the town. YukiHana tried to search for her grandfather, but could not find him or her cousins. She could not see any handle names, nor could identify them. Unsure of what to do, she was caught in a glow of light. Suddenly being transported, YukiHana looked around surprised. So many people were there. It looked like there was something that was about to happen. Then, a giant cloaked shadow appeared from the sky, telling everyone about how if they are trapped in this game, and how they will not be able to leave without defeating all 100 floors. That if they die here, they die in the real world. Becoming scared, the young girl, started to cry. A gift notification came up, and it was a mirror. YukiHana looked at it, and suddenly, covered in another light, she saw her own face. Looking down, she was so much closer to the ground. Her clothes, were much too big for her now, her armor and sword were of a large size as well. YukiHana started to bawl, [color=indigo]"OJII-SAN!! ONEE-SAN!! ONII-SAN!!"[/color]. She repeated it over and over, crouching into a ball, and crying. It was hard to hear her over the chaos in the crowd.