'This is my territory. Leave before I eat you ' [IMG]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/f/2013/028/d/b/_hellsing_ova_x__hans_gunsche_3_by_lezisell-d5t11d3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11112/111125195/3218425-9122933259-48025.jpg[/IMG] Name: Damien Lee Age: 25 Sex: Male Sexual Orientation: Hetero Occupation: Farmer/Hunter/Odd jobs for hire Personality: Lenient with pack and others but often shows off his power to show his dominant nature/likes to avoid conflict. Can be seen as cold. Biography: He's a descendent of the People of the Moon a Native American of Werewolves who's history goes all the way back to Ancient Greece. He lived a majority of his life in Russia and by the final words of his grandfather he was told to America. He was drawn to the town by some sort of instinct. He has kept his past to himself and very few know about it. And he tends to keep it that way. Relationships: [Yuki Yaegesh-Alpha Female-Mate] [James Hawthorne-Step Son] [Cassiopeia River Milane- Former Pack Member] Wolf Information Mate: N/A Wolf Form: [IMG]http://wallpoper.com/images/00/25/79/66/hellsing-wolf_00257966.jpg[/IMG] Pack Position: Alpha [b]Born[/b]/Bitten