Name in Real Life: Toda Akira In Name Game: Geist Age: 19 Gender: Male Looks: Akira’s hair is a dark blonde, well-trimmed in a longer style that gives him an older appearance. His features are fine and handsome, a perfect blend of Scandinavian and east-Asian with a tight jaw line and large dark eyes. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [hider=Short Bio] Akira was born in central Tokyo to an incredibly wealthy family. His father, owner of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Asia, met his mother at a private dinner function following a performance by the world-renowned Kirov Bellet company; she being one of their star dancers. They raised their son in typical upper-class fashion, or rather paid a series of maids, nannies, and tutors to raise him as they were often far too busy with their own lives to care for him. Still, he grew up perfectly in their eyes and quickly established himself as a boy who could succeed at anything he put his mind to. All through his schooling he achieved top marks in his classes, was always voted class president, and even played as a starting pitcher on his prestigious private school’s baseball team; he was smart, handsome, and popular. Success just came naturally to Akira and most often with little effort on his part, much to the chagrin of many other students. Unsurprisingly, Akira was accepted to Tokyo University and to with several dozen other schools around the world, some of which he didn’t even apply to. His parents threw a large banquet in honor of the occasion and invited famous actors and dancers and businessmen from all around the world. They were all strangers to Akira and though he smiled and shook hands and thanked those who congratulated him inside he felt nothing but emptiness, a void growing with each passing year. The boy knew he was being paraded like a prized pig, no better than the shiny piece of expensive jewelry proudly displayed over the tuxes and dresses of all in attendance. Within a week he moved out of the penthouse apartment his parents hardly ever stayed in and soon found himself in a similar, albeit [i]smaller[/i], penthouse on the other side of the city. It was prepaid and pre-furnished in a tactful modern style that left Akira feeling cold despite the warm springtime weather. He was soon attending his classes, biology and business classes suited for the heir to his father’s company, but it wasn’t long before the days began to blur together into monotonous routine. It came on rather suddenly, the realization that he was nothing more than a prisoner in a world of his parent’s creation: a world devoid of joy and color from which he could not escape. He doesn’t remember where he first saw the advertisement; was it on TV, or maybe a billboard?; but something about the image of a fortress floating in the sky stuck in his mind. Akira had never played a video game in his life, he’d hadn’t had the time and his parents would have never allowed it even if he had, which was perhaps the driving reason behind his sudden need to acquire it. He made a few phone calls; with his father’s connections it wasn’t difficult to secure a Nerve Gear or even a copy of the program despite its limited release; and on November 2nd he found himself lying on his bed staring up at the white-washed ceiling through the visor lens. “Link... start.” [i]Welcome to Sword Art Online...[/i] [/hider] Personality: Akira is most often cold and calculating but displays a two-faced split in his countenance; the perfect sophisticated socialite on one hand and a sneering highbrow elitist on the other. He doesn’t make friends; or at least he’s had little success in the past; but will strive to make allies if he thinks they can help further his own agenda (which often works simply because he often brings a lot to the table). Still, even his mutual allegiances don’t often last long when the other party has fulfilled their usefulness. Despite his positively terrible attitude and abrasive nature, there is a glimmer of something else beneath the surface; something that wishes to connect with another person in a wide and seemingly empty world. It just takes a keen eye and a patient mind to see it. Noncombat Skills: -Sprint -Searching Combat Skills: -Battle Healing -Leather Equipment Weapon Skill: -One-handed Dagger -Knife-Throwing Dagger Skills: -Armor Pierce: single strike attack that lowers target's armor. -Side Bite: 2-strike attack with a small chance to bind the target. Preferred weapon and Armor: Light leather armor, thrown weapons and one-handed daggers. Level: 3 HP: 625 STR: 6 AGI: 10