[quote=@Blubaron45] Here's mine, didn't take very long but I hope it's good enough for now. [hider=Llhora Revinas] Name: Llhora Revinas Age: 19 Race: Half elven/human Gender: Female Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/be/da/c3/bedac31be4c06ccff88b66dae1ada6bc.jpg[/img] Backstory: Llhora was an orphaned child who was abandoned by her biologicalparents (details unknown) until she was rescued by humans who took her in as caretakers who were local shop owners that often did business with local merchants. In most of her known life, Llhora has lived in the safety and comfort of her home, Freeside, but has always dreamed of escaping the small world that was her home. The true world, far away from Freeside, the world she had heard from merchants who came in from other cities and read about in her many books she kept to herself. As a child, Llhora spent most of her time alone and away from home exploring the nearby swamps and would often come home dirty, her hands filled with worms or things she found in her short expeditions alone. Even as a child, Llhora displayed very deviant behavior which lead to her getting into many fights with boys, most of which she won. Out of many of her 5 step brothers, Llhora was probably the most adventurous and daring out of all of them along with having a superior ability to shoot with her bow which amazed her step father who she often went hunting with and sparked petty envy in her step brothers. In her teenage years, Llhora would again consume time with: reading, hunting, or traveling around the area, in search of things of interest but sadly, nothing truly sparked an interest in her eyes. There were several opportune moments for her to one day escape the unfathomably boring life that was Fireside, but it was her family that she would ever stay. She is strong and fiercely independent so much that even older boys, who thought she was pretty, were easily intimidated by her when she was frustrated by them, all except her few close and loyal friends she has. Now that Llhora is an older woman, she now feels ready to travel the world in order to see and do the amazing things she had always would dream of doing. Although her life in Fireside is not as interesting as many would think, Llhora plans to change that one day by traveling the world. Aspirations or Desires: To see the world Skills prior to adventuring: -Decent with a boy and has been training with it since she was a child but has only hunted small animals such as rabbits or squirrels. Personality: Very tomboyish, adventurous, apathetic, loyal, moral. [/hider] [/quote] It's good. Also, you uh, might want to change "boy" to "bow". Otherwise, that's just hilarious. For the standards of how little backstory I'm really asking for, you went above and beyond.