Name: Alicia Relna Age: 17 Gender: Female [hider=Appearance] [img]*NovMqnEywYgNFYcQYeyX1Bj-3CXxJwVBFraU/largeAnimePaperwallpapers_WhiteClarity_bj0rN_edit39.jpg[/img] [/hider] Hybrid Animal: Dove (60%) Abilities: She has large, white wings, which she can fly with. She also has a beautiful singing voice, able to calm (almost to the point of hypnotising) even the most angered person. History: After escaping, she survived by living in a small abandoned barn in the country, only going into the city to buy food and resources by covering her wings with a large coat. She lived like this for a while, and was found when she was in town, and taken to the facility.