Maybe interested, if I think of something. Edit: Here we are. Name: Arusi Ekene Ayo Age: 25 Race: Prith Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Other than her large, black, beetle head, like most prith have, Arusi is rather plain. Neither too fat, skinny, tall, or short. She's exceedingly average, taking after her father, especially when compared to the ethereal beauties that are her mother and sisters. Arusi wears a simple white linen dress that falls to her mid-calf and a dark red cowl. For shoes a simple pair of work sandals have always sufficed. The only extravagant parts of her ensemble are the jeweled bracelets and necklaces she wears. Glittering in the sun with all manner of metals and stones, Arusi has a weak spot for jewelry in any form. Backstory: Arusi's family hails from a village close to the cursed sands of Kahltofal. There they would have remained if not for her father and how he "borrowed" the Caliph's favorite horse. Their flight took them to Fireside, where they settled in. That was two years ago. Now Arusi works as a potter, much like she did before. Unfortunately all her funds are being siphoned away by the expensive habits of her mother and sisters or to bail her father out of jail once again. Maybe her father will clean up his act and maybe her sisters can finally find someone else to provide for them, but frankly Arusi isn't going to hold her breath. No, she's just about ready to give up on all of them. Aspirations or Desires: To do something worthwhile with her family name. Skills prior to adventuring: Arusi is a potter and has been for as long as she can remember. Personality: Arusi is a real Type A personality and planner. Everything has an end-goal and contributes to the whole. Frustrations don't cause her to despair, they cause her to rage. She's also fairly loyal and bull-headed (that was a terrible joke and I apologize), causing her to put up with the ridiculousness of those she cares about for far longer than is probably healthy. Last, but not least, she tends to slip into the Kahl language when he gets excited or flustered.