[center][img]http://i961.photobucket.com/albums/ae100/DarkWolfProductionsX/doom.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=The Story] Everyone knew what happened, it was no big secret, at least it wasn't after the first month of what could only be described as Hell. We all heard the stories about what happened at the UAC Complex located on Mars, stories that seemed almost inconceivable at best. But truthfully... whether you you believed the stories or not, it did not change the fact that they were true. If the first incident did not make a believer out of you, then inevitably, Doctor McNeil and her second party of marines that were slaughtered the same did. Both incidents, both involved Marines, marines who by all accounts should have died but lived. Their names were never disclosed or released to the public, mostly to keep their identities secret and them safe from the ravenous press that would undoubted, hound them for the first scoop. After the second incident the UAC complex on Mars was officially abandoned the threat too great, while UAC fought to reestablish their Mars facility they were denied time and time again. They fought ten years trying to get it back, but the military which had lost resounding amounts of men in both incidents would never again let experiments be preformed in that base. 2160 November 4th the UAC in secret started sending personnel to the old mars facility to try and attempt a reclamation of the site, for almost four years unnoticed the UAC had all but rebuilt the facility, however before testing could possibly resume General Hanzs the figure head who refused UAC the facility got wind of the reclamation and sent an entire fleet to stop any possible tests that might be preformed and to arrest all those found on site. The so named Operation Traction was pulled off without incident and all found on the property of the old UAC facility were arrested. After the incident the UAC was fined almost fifty millions dollars for their brash attempt to undermine the Military Command. To ensure that none would ever start testing in the old facility, General Hanzs signed into effect an agreement to officially turn the base into a Military Base of operations. By so doing UAC could not re-try another attempt to reclaim the base in secrecy, and it provided a rather unique base of operations. The UAC with its numerous death lawsuits and then a 50 million dollar fee plus court, started to slip lower and lower into bankruptcy and it seemed that all was lost for the once richest company in the world. But in 2174 due 10 years after the old facility became a military base, a company named Aerotech Technologies Corporation or A.T.C for short contested General Hanzs hold over the old research facility claiming that the military had no right to keep an science facility under quarantine indefinitely. Under the pretense of an loop hole discovered by A.T.C, they brought their concerns to the courts in hopes to re take the facility their reasons for doing so unknown. Millions of dollars later and a couple years, A.T.C was on the brink of obtaining the old mars facility, however in the midst of the paper battle, it was discovered the A.T.C was directly working with the old CEO of the U.A.C and red flags were put up almost with in an hour. After the connection was found, General Hanz fought back claiming that this was a coup planned with the U.A.C to continue testing. The courts decided that the fact that A.T.C was secretly in line with U.A.C was circumstantial and that their claim to the base was legitimate. A.T.C ultimately won the case after near four years and General Hanzs was given the order to evacuate his men from the facility on mars. However because of the history and the events that took place not once but twice at the base the courts banned A.T.C from ever being to conduct teleportation testing indefinitely and that a small military presence was to remain in effect at all times on the facility to ensure that it did not. The year is now 2199 and we are on the bring of a new millennium, the Mars facility was brought back to its former glory, and A.T.C has become the new company in lead technology for all the world. True to the agreement A.T.C scrapped the teleportation project that the former U.A.C had worked so long on and it seemed that never again would the incidents in 2145 to 2147 would ever be revisited. However reports has been received from the Mars facility that strange occurrences very much like the first incident were taking place all over the base, and that an ever growing restlessness was growing among the many A.T.C employee's. The new lead scientist Dr.Ruger has dismissed such claims and had said there is no problem at the facility, just tired men an woman needing a vacation back on earth. But due to the sustained reports and recent accidents taken place on the facility, a meeting was called with the A.T.C board of directors, with the fear that a repeat of the 2145 incident might be eminent, they have sent an two individuals to go examine the situation. The first a representative who works for the A.T.C and the other who is an Colonel associated with General Hanzs to ensure that the events which changed the universe were not again repeating themselves. An if it was to be determined that these events were in place that they would be stopped before it was too late.[/hider][/center] [center][b]Cast[/b][/center] [center][hider=Anastasia Smith] Name: Anastasia "Anna" Smith. Age: 26 [img]http://www.short-hair-style.com/image-files/natural_red_hair_color_curl.jpg[/img] Personality: Anna can when it comes to her work as a bit to serious, though she is very friendly and caring to those who actually know her personally. She is very loving and caring towards her younger sister, and keeps in contact with her almost daily, Anna also enjoys any kind of music when she has time to listen to it when she is not working as a secretary to one of the members of the A.T.C. board members. She also knows how to keep a secret unless she knows she has to tell anyone who needs to know. Bio: Anastasia was born to a rather small family living in an apartment in downtown Chicago, to a loving mother and father growing up in the major city she didn't have much to do in her spare time after school. She was also way to scared to leave the apartment herself, then her mother was pregnant with her younger sister Sarah and the two became inseparable ever since. When Anastasia got to college she studied for accounting, and then applied for a job at A.T.C. which she got the job instantly. A short time after she then was promoted to a personal secretary for a member of the A.T.C. board of directors, her sister studied to become a doctor which she then wanting to be close to her sister applied with the same company though the two of them ended up becoming separated her sister now living on Mars. Still the two kept in contact, when she was asked to come to one of the board meetings she listened to what the meeting was about. Then her boss suggested that she would go on behalf of the company and report to them directly, and then she was ordered to get on one of the military transports that was headed over to the Mars Facility. Reason For Going to the Mars Facility: Aside from being ordered to go to the A.T.C. Facility on Mars Anna also has a younger sister who works as a doctor there. And she is the only family she has left. She is also ordered to take some information from Dr. Rugur back to A.T.C. HQ for a member of the board of Directors and one of the top scientists. Weapons: None currently. Misc Info: [/hider][/center] [center][b]AND[/b][/center] [center][hider=Mason Griffin] Name: Mason James Griffin Call sign: Scar [hider=Mason Griffin][img]http://www.kingdomofleo.com/knightlydelights/2009/images/1220lang00.jpg[/img] Physical Traits: height: 6'3 weight: 203 plbs eye color: brown hair color: dirty white Physique: muscular and fit / healthy ethnicity: Caucasian / American identifying marks: three claw marks across the side of the head, their origin are unknown.[/hider] Age: 45 Gender: Male Affiliation: Marine Corp. Branch: Outer Earth Defense (O.E.D) Rank: Colonel Current Assignment: Mars Sector Commanding Officer for A.T.C operations Birth Place: Atlanta, Georgia Stationed: A.T.C Main Complex located on Earth, California Weapons: Owns two [url=http://assets.vg247.com/current//2015/05/advanced_warfare_m1_irons_free_4.jpg]XLR-300 Revolver[/url] which he keeps secured in shoulder holsters. The revolvers are the newer custom version of the marine pistol, offering small plasma rounds and not the usual six bullet shooter. The gun runs mainly on small plasma charges which are inserted into the revolver area of the gun. The pistols have the ability to shoot thirty shots before needing a reload. The damage is low to semi mid range against armored opponents and deadly against opponents with no armor on. The range is adjustable near the base of the gun, up to three which is a good thirty to fifty yards. The closer the target the more deadly the shot. [/hider][/center]