Minako had left the gates of the Town of Beginnings behind her some time ago. On her way to the next settlement, she took the time to kill a few more boars and finish leveling up to level 3. After all, one can never be too cautious, isn't it? She also searched around to see if she could find any aro nodes lying around, to no avail. [color=teal]"Someone else must have picked them up already."[/color] she said to herself. It was then that Minako heard someone yelling "look ou-" from the top of his lungs, the sound appeared to be aproaching her fast. She didn't even had the time to dodge it, when she noticed that there was a boy rolling down the hill behind her, she was already on the ground lying on her back, next to a small crater caused by the boy impact against the ground. [color=teal]"That makes it the second time today, haha."[/color] she laughed to herself while standing up and brushing the dust off her clothes. [color=teal][i]"Anyway, I might be lucky."[/i][/color] She thought, while the boy apologised for the incident. [color=teal]"Don't worry, I haven't even been hurt. Anyway, I was looking around to see if I could find some ore to practice my craft. But these plains have been picked clean, but the marshes to the... south of here, I think look promissing. I didn't saw anyone going there yet, perhaps it's too dangerous to try and solo it now."[/color] As Minako said those words, a merchant's smile found its way to her lips as she considered her plan carefuly. [color=teal]"So, what do you say... you help me search for raw materials and I'll craft whatever weapon you like for you, free of charge, of course."[/color] Minako said as she extended her hand to the boy. [@PKMNB0Y] [color=teal]"While we're at it, it'll be better if we find at least someone else to help us. Who knows, we can even score a rare drop, or two?"[/color] Minako said as her eyes fell on a girl wearing a hooded cape that had just finished killing one of the nearby wolves. Asking her wold be companion to wait a little, and running away before he even nodded, Minako approached the girl and explained her plan to her, offering the same payment as she did to the boy. [@Asuna Yuuki] Minako had no doubts that if they were really the frist to arrive at that place she would be able to find a good anough amount of ore to forge better weapons to everyone as well as raise her crafting skill by a steep amount in the process. Then, before the othe girl had time to react, Minako started to walk in the direction of the swamps, [color=teal]"Come on, aren't you going to come?"[/color] she shouted to her new business partners. She knew that acting that way towards people she had just met was a little harsh, but this was a salesman technique she learned with her father consisting on overwhelming a potential client, or partner's, mind with fast talk and then pressing the deal she wanted to do while they had their guard down.