[@KoL] Before Asuna could answer the strange girl, she began to walk towards a swamp.[color=0072bc]"Come on, aren't you going to come?"[/color] The girl called. Asuna thought for a minute. [i][color=92278f]Hm, perhaps a new rapier would be useful. Or a new blade. Maybe if I help this girl she could make me both? Free of charge is definitely a good deal. I have made a lot of money already though... I suppose I will go with this girl, if only for a small amount of time. Maybe it could help me level some more.[/color][/i] [color=9e0039]"Very well! I shall go with you.[/color] Asuna hurried to catch up with the girl and began to walk alongside her towards the swamp. [color=9e0039]"I trust you are at a significant enough level to be going to the swamps?"[/color] Asuna asked her new companion. [color=9e0039]"I've heard they are more challenging than the fields."[/color]