Panicked screams. Terrified expressions. Fear and despair. Well this was not what Natto had expected when he first bought «Sword Art Online». He, Natsume Araki, was anticipating fun filled days making new friends and rivals in the first VRMMO of its time. He was supposed to finally wash his hands off his part-time jobs and focus on things that people his age was doing. As if mocking those innocent dreams, Kayaba sent him alone thousands of other players into chaos with his revelation of his true plans for «Sword Art Online». This was no longer some game. At least for all its players, it was reality. To further emphasize that, Kayaba had even destroyed the façade of everyone’s avatars. Their real faces and forms were exposed. Although unintentionally, this dispersed some of Natto’s stress slightly when cute girls were turned into panicking obese men. The sight was rather amusing. … Was he scared? It would be a stretch to say he wasn’t but Natto was surprisingly calm. The gravity of situation hadn’t yet fully sunk in. He pondered over what to do while observing the others in the town square. There were those who quickly formed parties so they could head out into the fields. There were those who did so alone. Some people were trying to restore order whilst there were those who just broke down and cried. Here and there, people were all doing what they thought was best. Yet it could only be described as chaos. The best course of action would be to gain information. While he was confident that he was a fast learner, Natto did die the first time he went against a «Dire Wolf». He considered the actions of the masses rushing onto the fields foolhardy considering what they’ve just heard. That and he could help out some of the despairing players in the meantime. Just as he was thinking that, an old man shoved him aside whilst screaming for a person named Hanako. Instinctively, Natto reached out and tapped him. “Ojii-san, by any chance is that the girl you’re looking for?” Natto pointed at a little girl crying to his far right. [@Thanatos]