[hider=Anya Faye] Character Name: Anya Faye Physical Description: [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/andromeda/images/1/14/Trancseason3.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101011142257 [/img] Traits and Abilities: As a full-blood firrerreo, Anya possesses all of their inherent physical characteristics, from the distinct skin coloration and pronounced canines to the ability to rapidly recover from almost any injury and a deceptive level of physical power, able to match even the strongest of human males. She has worked hard to hone her physical abilities over the years, and possesses a level of endurance that few can equal. Skills and Powers: In her studies of the force, she has dedicated her focus to the improvement of her core abilities, training tirelessly to perfect her utilization of tutaminis, telekinesis, telepathy, sense, and speed. Rather than trying to diversify her skillset and gain those abilities that are considered more esoteric in nature, she has devoted herself to honing the basics to masterful levels of efficiency. This dedication has served her well, allowing her to match herself against other, more diverse, users of the force and remain on equal ground, despite having a somewhat below-average connection to the force (below-average for a jedi, that is). Another aspect of her force abilities that keeps her on par with those who are superior to her in sheer power is her use of, and connection to, the living force. Throughout the years, she has become adept at letting the living force itself guide her actions, bestowing a drastic increase in foresight and even greater reserves of power, though the force will never guide her to take a life and it is not uncommon for her to be left exhausted in the aftermath, simply due to the increased strain of excess power on her body. In regards to skills of a more martial nature, she has focused her lightsaber training on the first, third, and fifth forms of combat, honing each alone and all three together until she was able to switch seamlessly between them as needed, and even utilize them while wielding more than one blade. She also has an understanding of how to apply the techniques in hand-to-hand combat and her racial heritage only compounds her formidable skill, making her a potent physical combatant. Equipment: Anya's [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/290/1/c/guardian_lightsaber_by_broodofevil-d4d3rul.png]lightsaber[/url] is a work of art that has been carefully assembled over the course of several decades, and is no less a part of her than the force itself. The crystals used in its construction are; a Jenraux to give it increased agility and speed whilst dueling, Bondar to allow glancing blows to cause numbness and paralysis around the affected area, and a violet Solari crystal that will render the blade inactive should the user strike in anger or with cruel intent. [/hider]