[center][h1][color=aqua]Umichi[/color][/h1][/center] [i]Skills, huh ...[/i] Umichi thought to himself. He did not give any thought to the profession related skills, for now he just wanted to focus on his combat related skills. Using three fingers to swipe down, he could see his two equipped skills. [b]<>[/b] and [b]<>[/b]. Scrolling, he found [b]<>[/b] and equipped it in place of [b]<>[/b]. Only two at a time. As Aikoto asked about skills, Umichi started to approach to start to explain. [color=aqua]"Well the skills, I believe, Suki was referring to are the Profession related skills. These are skills that allow a user to perform certain tasks, such as cooking, playing an instrument or blacksmithing. There are also the combat related skills and passive skills. Combat related skills are the ones that will help you fight. Things like the default [b]<>[/b] skill, which enable you to use certain abilities. The [b]<>[/b] skill allows the user to use [b]<>[/b] for One-handed straight swords. Remember if you use another weapon, you need to change your skills or you cannot use those abilities. It's in the menu options. Passive skills allow users to have an enhanced ability of sorts. [b]<>[/b] allows a user to hear better and further when they strain their ears, and eventually can listen through doors. Using the abilities of the skills, will give the skills exp and level them up. To master a skill, it requires to reach level 1000. Does that help?" [/color]Umichi spilled out contents about the skills in SAO. Concerned, Aikoto was definitely fustrated. [color=aqua]"Don't call yourself an idiot. I hear a lot of beta testers took a long time to learn anything about the skills and how they worked. It's a bit unique to SAO, this swapping of skills like this. Plus SAO is the first of it's kind, it is unlikely people will know how to most things on the first day.[/color] Umichi consoled him. Suki spoke up, answering Aikoto's question about the map. Looking through his own, Umichi saw the distance between Horunka village and Geniku. [i]I should be able to go from one to the other and back within the night.[/i] He thought to himself. He knew the size was 10 km in diameter for the 1st Floor. He should be able to get through the fields running without much of a problem, the distance was probably just a couple of kms difference. The problem might be enemies, but he was feeling he could handle them. [color=bc8dbf]"I think we have stood around talking enough. We should probably get moving"[/color] Suki said, but looked around at the crowd. Umichi's eyes followed. [color=bc8dbf]"the children....what's going to happen to them?"[/color] He could hear her ask. A flash of his sister came to mind momentarily, seeing the little girl. Umichi's active hearing, in real life, was better than most people's. He could isolate the noise a little as well. [color=aqua]"Ojii-san, Onee-san, Onii-san"[/color] he spoke quietly, repeating after her. [color=aqua]"I don't know about all of the children, but I think most of them would be in the game with a relative of theirs. It seems she's searching for hers.[/color] Umichi said, taking a step, to almost go to help, however, someone else had already arrived and helped the crying girl. Looking around there were still some children around, but they were crying with someone. [color=aqua]"I think they will be fine, there seems to be someone with them. They will probably look after them."[/color] he smiled a little, seeing the humanity in others, to take care of these children. Even though, they were just thrown into a death game. [i]Ever changing, henge ...[/i] A thought echoed in his mind momentarily. [color=aqua]"It should be fine here, let's get going, before it gets too dark.[/color]Umichi suggested to hurry along, turning around to start walking out of the city. [@Caits] [@Savo] [@Ebil Bunny] [hr] [center][h1][color=indigo]YukiHana[/color][/h1][/center] [color=662d91]"OJII-SAN!! ONII-SAN!! ONEE-SAN!!"[/color] YukiHana continued to cry. The crowd started to thin out a little, but the chaos still occurring. People left for the fields to try to train, but they tried to argue over the limited resources so close to the city. None wanted to leave the safety of the city, but they also didn't want to never get out, thus they tried to stay close to the city walls and trained just outside of them, limiting the ability to train effectively. She was then approached by a girl, much taller than herself, with light brown hair and eyes. Turning to her, YukiHana's face was covered in tears, snot and even saliva, running down her face. The girl asked YukiHana, what was wrong. She tried to reply cohesively, however, all that came out was [color=662d91]"UWAH!!!! O-- OOO --- OO!! UWAH!!!"[/color]. Her crying and wailing, she attempted to say Ojii-san, but couldn't get the word out. Soon after, another person approached, a guy. About as tall as the girl, with dark brown hair and blue-ish eyes. He said he would help her find Ojii-san. Still crying out, she turned to him, unable to say anything else. She was trying to take deeper breaths to calm down, but they were not of any help. Her vision was quite blurry due to the simulated tears. Instead of continuing to cry out, she shut up, and tried to focus on breathing. What remained was her sniffles. However, she still didn't speak, more like, she felt that if she spoke, she would cry again. [@Stale Pizza] [@Eklispe]