Corina had had a little zero-g experience before, but not much. Being a foot soldier, Corina felt out of her element in space; it occurred to her that that was going to have to change quickly or else she would not have a very good time on this assignment. Within moments, she grasped the basics of zero-g movement and maneuvered relatively well. She did her best to pay attention to Dr. Alberton's briefing, but lost focus as the well-intentioned scientist began to ramble. Her eyes wandered, making contact with the black and grey colossus that was her cog. Like Arienne, Corina moved away from Pharazon and Dr. Alberton, immediately lost in the titan's features; it didn't take her long to identify the various weapons systems and functions of the cog. At a glance, it spoke for itself; two big guns, high intensity shields, and heavy armor. It was a powerful, enduring soldier, just like Corina. And she already had a name for it: [i]Farfalla.[/i] The Butterfly. The name exuded the elegance and grace Corina saw within the cog. Corina managed to avert her gaze long enough to lock eyes with Pharazon and Dr. Alberton. She gave a slight affirmative nod, indicating her approval and commitment to the cog project, and to her own cog.