[color=0076a3][i]'Wait a minute, where am I even going?'[/i][/color] Dar thought as he reached the main gate. It suddenly occurred to him that even though he had decided to go meet this boss killing group, or rather a "suicide group" as it may be, he didn't really know how to track down where he was going. It made him feel dumb, but Dar hadn't really explored much of the UI in this game yet. He stopped by the main gate to take a quick look through his interface. It seemed like he could send friend requests to other players over large distances, even mass party invites like the one he had gotten. That was a given obviously. Still, what was he trying to accmomplish right now? Should he really go all the way to where the group was by himself? Now that the stakes had been raised, everything seemed so much more dire. What kind of terrible end would it be to be ganked by a group of low level mobs? It was then that Dar noticed that he wasn't alone. He looked up and saw someone else wandering about nearby, apparently with the intent to leave town as well. He seemed a bit shell shocked, not that Dar could blame him. After what they had just been told. They were all apart of this death game now. Some cruel, twisted virtual reality that was created just so some man could play God. How could you not have an adverse reaction to that. [color=0076a3]"I don't know about you, but I'm expecting a refund when I get out of here."[/color] Dar joked to the other player. As soon as he would have gotten his attention, Dar would give a shrug and an awkward smile. [color=0076a3]"It seems like some people aren't taking it laying down though. I'm not sure if I want to join them, but I want to get out of this town, away from all this chaos. How about you?"[/color] Dar asked. He took a step forward toward the other player before stopping him. He realized he was being very rude all of a sudden. [color=0076a3]"Oh uh, sorry. Name's W...Dar. Dar, that's my name. Who are you?"[/color] Dar asked. He had almost given out his real name. It was weird, but when he was speaking like this it was harder not to act normal. In a regular MMO you could easily avoid giving out your real name, but here if you wanted an alias you had to actively use it verbally as well as through text. [@lupusintus]