[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WyFuWb9.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Golden Era, the year 453, Mother Nature strikes against the humans. The World of Astrea was originally a peaceful place governed by the 'Kingdom'. However at one point it become a harsh world of endless conflict and rigorous warzones. The 'Kingdom' split into three and so the Great War began. The Great War has raged for centuries, some say its roots laid in the Bronze Era, some say it existed since the beginning of the Heroic Era. However the initial reasons that caused the war were long forgotten. Yet the war never ceased. ‘Peace’ was a lofty idea and many laughed at it. The scars of war were far too deep for the three kingdoms; The Sky Kingdom, the Water Kingdom and the Earth Kingdom had committed many too many atrocities towards each other. However, a treaty between the three was formed as Mother Nature herself decided to become their very nemesis. Powerful creatures have been appearing all over the continent. They are able to wield forces of nature as if they were a part of them. During an ongoing battle between the Earth Kingdom and the Water Kingdom, a single [url=http://imgur.com/R2AhzYB,FMFR6IJ,DBDfX1F,WyFuWb9]beast[/url] was able to halt the battle and wiped out thousands of soldiers in a matter of hours. It was capable of controlling the ground making approaching the beast nigh impossible. Rumors of many other creatures appearing are running rampant throughout the land. Many small cities and towns have already been destroyed. In response to this, the three kingdoms are assembling the finest warriors to form a powerful extermination force against them. The only way they can stand against these creatures is by combining their wit and strength. You are one of these heroes.[/i] [hr] [hider=The Three Kingdoms] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UZl6JDH.png[/img][/center] [i]Considered the most beautiful kingdom although smallest of the three, the Sky Kingdom is located thousands of meters off the ground, floating inbetween the Water Kingdom and the Earth Kingdom. It is believed that the Sky Kingdom originally belonged on the ground but a legendary bird infused the ground it stood on with air magic and allowed it to rise high above. Skypieans have a natural affinity with magic. They are masters of aerial warfare and their cavalry is feared throughout the lands. The elite imperial forces all possess a pegasus for their own use. They are the most religious of the three kingdoms and worship the Sun God, Atros.[/i] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/68uDxPg.png[/img][/center] [i]The Water Kingdom is the second largest kingdom. It is located west of the Earth Kingdom and its cities skirt the side of the coast as well as the main rivers and lakes of the continent. It possess the finest sailors and fishers in all of Astrea. Unparalleled in naval warfare, the Water Kingdom has fended off the Earth Kingdom by strategically using their locations. The Merediths have gained the ability to breathe underwater and communicate with its aquatic inhabitants. [/i] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LA1uHiy.png[/img][/center] [i]The Earth Kingdom is the largest of the three kingdoms. Located in the center of the continent, it is the most diverse of the three kingdoms. It certainly has the most variety when it comes to cities and environment. It is home to many cultures but all its citizens remain loyal to the kingdom. They possess the least affinity with supernatural of any sort but the Earth Kingdom is home to many powerful warriors. It is also the most technologically advanced. Powerful cannons and guns are used instead of magic.[/i][/hider] [hider=Geography]There is only one continent in the world of Astrea. The central continent has no particular name. Its vast landscape encompasses grassland, desert, mountain ranges, lakes, rivers and 14,500km of coastline. The estimated size of the continent is over 10,000,000 in km square.[/hider] [hider=Beastiary]Will be updated as players are sent out to hunt them.[/hider] [hr] [u][i][b]Rules[/b][/i][/u] -Acceptable grammar. -Respect other players. -No godmodding/powerplaying. -No metagaming. -Minimum of two paragraphs per post. -Post character in OOC and await approval before creating it in the character bucket. -Be considerate in battle posts. E.g. no being ridiculous with some overpowered 10000 dmg autohit or leaving other players behind. [hr] [u][i][b]Character Sheet[/b][/i][/u] Name: yeah Age: yeah Gender: yeah Appearance: Picture optional, description is a must. Kingdom: yeah Persona: yeah Post Example: Instead of a biography/history, write a post that introduces us to who he is [i]currently.[/i] Backstory can be revealed later as character development. Equipment: I don't need everything, just any equipment preference or special items/weapons he/she has. Ability/Magic/Technology: What special ability/magic/technology do you possess.