[center][h2][b][color=f7941d]Geist[/color][/b][/h2][/center] Akira someone managed to clear the crowds, though he could still hear the faint cries in the distance. People really weren't taking this whole 'trapped in a death-game' thing very well and he couldn't blame them. This man, Kayaba, was surely some sort of psychopath and if he ever managed to escape he would see that his father used every resource available to ruin the game developer and everyone associated with him. [i]If[/i] he escaped. The thought was not a pleasant one and Akira felt his heart-rate increase at the prospect of facing creatures far worse than boars with nothing but a virtual knife and his wits. [color=a36209][i]'No.'[/i][/color] He steadied himself, his mouth drawing into a thin line of determination. [color=a36209][i]'Even my wits would be enough.'[/i][/color] In a way, Kayaba was the same as his own father; a man bent on forcing others into his vision and one with enough power to make it so. The comparison brought a taste of bile into his mouth and the young man knew he would not surrender to these people who sought to control him. He was the one who would be in control. He was smarter, he was faster, he was [i]better[/i] and he would not so easily submit to his own death; physically or mentally. Akira passed through the gate and once again stepped out into the open fields around the starter city, though in the fading light the muted colors seemed far more intimidating than before. He wasn't sure exactly how the game's day/night cycle worked, though he did see it appeared to be based on real-time, but he suspected he'd find more than just boars out there once the darkness really settled in. He was debating on the best course of action when a voice suddenly drew his attention. It was a tall brown-haired man, close in age to himself by his appearance, and Akira's dark eyes quickly sized him up before responding in a calm and collected manner, so well spoken it sounded like someone reading from a script.[color=f7941d] "Yes, well I certainly expect to receive quite a bit of... compensation after this."[/color] This person, 'Dar' as he was called, could be exactly what he needed to get out of the city and ahead of the general mess of other players. [color=f7941d]"Geist."[/color] He said with a slight bow of his head. [color=f7941d]"In times like these ignorant people tend to react negatively to the situation, and I was hoping to get away from that as quickly as possible... Do you happen to know where the next, eh... 'level' of this game is? Another town, perhaps?"[/color] Geist cursed himself for his lack of understanding video game lingo and SAO's overall structure; if he'd known he'd be trapped he'd have done a sufficient amount of research so as not be ill-prepared when dealing with these sorts of people. Of course, if he'd known he'd be trapped he probably wouldn't have played the game to begin with. [@Grayscythe]