I kinda stay with roleplays until they die. then I ditch them, and continue on. Mostly, I stay with them out of loyalty for the friends that invite me. Don't worry about ditching the Exorcist one. I'm still in it...but Jangel doesn't reply much there.... I really really really want this one to survive. I'm in a few roleplays that have been active for a long time. One's just started its second chapter, and the other...well. Is mine, but only because the owners ditched it, so...I restarted it after much discussion. Mostly, I'm in a couple of roleplays now, Running this one, my other one, and the other couple I'm in takes a lot of time. But I really want to be in more. Maybe in semester break I can join a couple of more. There's jut nothing interesting me much. Or rather, the ones I want to join don't get off the ground.