[quote=@SimplyJohn] [@Kalas] [color=lightgray][i]Currently experiencing a bit of a writer's block due to some Cyberpunk RP idea, that I have stuck in my head, which is completely and utterly consuming me right now.[/i][/color] Cyberpunk, you say? Tell me more. [/quote] [hider=Take A Look] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TBmQ4gZ.png[/img][/center] [i]"The world is a mess. It's been seventy years since the advent of cybernetic technology and year after year the world has gone to shit. [b]'High tech, low life.'[/b] That's the best way to describe these times. There are no governments anymore, just puppets who put up a front when, really, they're controlled by whichever mega-corporation spends the most money. In this day and age, the rich only get richer and the poor only get poorer. So it's no wonder that people began turning to cybernetic enhancements to secure higher paid jobs so that they could feed their families. Optical implants, robotic limbs, reinforced skeletons, neural port implants. You name it, the people went crazy for it. Only problem is, [u]everyone[/u] went crazy for it. Now the world's gotta deal with the CCR disease. [b]Cybernetic Cell Rejection.[/b] Some people get it, others don't. Either way, the mega-corps found a way to make money out of it through some 'miracle cure'. Just another invention to line their pockets and provide someone with more power than they deserve. Fortunately, that's where we come in. [b]I.D.R.I.S.[/b] The Inter-Continental Defense, Reconnaissance & Intelligence Service. A Top Secret organisation designed and created to monitor and safeguard the future of mankind. We remain hidden within the shadows, forever watching for the time when a person or entity grows too powerful. We maintain the balance throughout this wretched world so that mankind may continue to have a future, no matter how bleak. When it is time to act, we initiate [b]The Icarus Protocol[/b]. Our mission directive is to eliminate and suppress any and all who are responsible for a world power gaining too much influence which may potentially lead to a global takeover. Though this may sound too good to be true, in the past seventy years, we have taken down nine governments and dozens of mega-corporations. We are experts at our craft and efficient in our execution. You are [b]scrubs.[/b] Your past training and experience means nothing here. You are about to enter a world of corporate sabotage, espionage and assassination. There are no authorities to run to in this world for we are the only one. Every other money-grabbin' S.O.B. has gone and hired themselves an army of private security, armed to the teeth with the latest military-grade weapons and enhancements. It will be your jobs to bypass these defenses to execute, sabotage and steal anyone or thing we tell you to. There will be no backup or extraction. If you die, you will not be mourned or collected. Your bodies and files will already be prepped to incite corporate warfare in the hopes that the targets bite off far more than they can chew and inadvertently causes their own demise. You are tools to be used at our disposal. Perform well and you will be rewarded. Fail and you will be forgotten quicker than you can say [b]'I fucked up'.[/b] Now get going, you've got a job to do."[/i][/hider]