Lincoln made his way out of the bar. The [b]Town of Beginnings[/b] streets were busy. It seems like most players decided to stick to Floor 1 and just give up. Lincoln couldn't think of starting a life here. He pushed himself through the crowds, even saw some players creating a party to go out and fight. When he finally got outside the walls, he forgot he had a bunch of crap he needed to sell. [i]Back inside.[/i] Lincoln pushed his way back inside the city and to the nearest vendor. "Well how'ya doin'?" The man at the vendor blissfully said. "Good. I am here to sell some things." Lincoln opened his menu, checking all the things he wanted to sell. Once he sold it, the man in the vendor was even happier, if that is possible, "Thanks for the business, have a nice day!" It is crazy how the players all of a sudden are just living life here. And wishing people nice days. Lincoln pushed himself out of the town once again, and this time, he followed the path to the next town. On the way, he of course killed some Boars. It feels good killing the animals and walking. It made himself feel like he is actually doing something. After walking for a good amount of time, Lincoln's feet began to hurt. After a while, he decided to take a rest and sit on the side of the path. He found a rock and sat on it. Opening up his menu, he got some food that he paid someone to cook back at town. Lincoln wanted to savor this beef, so he took bite-by-bite, slowly eating it.