The roar of gunfire and clash of blades!! This is what our kind was created for! Lentus took off from doorway in a furious charge and let out an bestial roar as he ran. His armors servo motors whirred at full capacity and his steps shook the ground. His aim was clear, to blatantly flank the enemies taking cover behind holotables and grotesque carvings that were an mocking imitation of protectional gargoyles found on loyalist ships. He considered using his grenades but taking into account all the fragile control mechanisms and presence of ships flying crew, that was out of question here. As Lentus forsook cover, several bolter rounds hit and ricocheted off his armors more curved surfaces, the impact didnt break his charge. He answered with an blind spray of destructive fire from his storm bolter, caring little for what he hit. It seemed the weapon was for once cooperating with Lentus, maybe because his targets were traitor marines also? "Lentus, have you gone insane! It is I Dimas!" Another old battle brother it seems was present here. "[i]I truly am sorry old friend, that you cannot see the light father Arabar has shown us!![/i]" "Damned traitor! Tear him apart!" "[b][i]I am not the traitor here! I am VENGEANCE MADE FLESH![/i][/b]" With this he was upon his foes. They had barely the time to ready their weapons when Lentus had already coated the holotable and floor with Dimases blood. Three foes were one by one cut to several pieces by the ominously humming blade. Damnation! It seems his earlier gunfire had cut down one of the fly crew. This was not acceptable, father Arabar had trusted Lentus to carry out this task without collateral damage! At this moment he prayed to whatever dark entities might be listening, that the bloody mess on the ground was not the barges navigator.