[color=6ecff6][color=a187be]"What!?"[/color] Leo blanched, [color=a187be]"You've never eatten boloney!? "[/color] She shook her head dramatically.[color=a187be]"Balon how could you! Are you even living your life? Here you are being all human and you've never even eaten boloney before! Bah! How am i supposed to ask you what it taste like?!"[/color] [color=f26522]"Wait, are you calling me a 'mixture of blended meats'?!"[/color] he asked mock offended. [color=a187be]"Well,"[/color] Leo remarked tilting her head and glancing at him from the corner of her eyes, [color=a187be]" My people try to practice gender equality, but you definitly may be considered a hunk of meat."[/color] before she coud stop herself she wiggled her eyebrows. She cooed with laughter. As he laughed about her almost KOing herself on the rocks she grinned, [color=a187be]" Its a wonder i even made it through gaurd school! I wasn't top of my class, to say the least."[/color] She looked sheepishly at him. With all the fun she ws having she hardly noticed that they were still in the doctors hut. Balon looked relaxed and had a slight look of bliss on his face, she looked at him ccuriously wondering what caused it. [/color]