[center][img]http://www.peoplequiz.com/images/quizzes/Old%20West%20Town.jpg-13385.jpg[/img][/center] The town of Solomon is a somewhat thriving town on the frontier. A gold mine in the near by mountains has brought some prosperity to the town. It has also attracted some more unsavory types. Gunslingers, outlaws, bandits and many others drawn to this place. The mine is owned by a man names Haversthon. Because of his money in influence he is allowed to do nearly anything he wants, she sheriff and mayor un-able to do anything against him as with out him the town wouldn't exist. What people don't know is the mine serves a much darker purpose and has drawn more then just human attention. The areas around the town have become un-safe, trade caravans constantly being attacked as the near by farms are under constant threat of raid. The local sheriff does all it can to protect them but sometimes it isn't enough. Now the town is in a dark time, A near by group of outlaws have grown to big, they killed the Sheriff leaving the office open for a new one. Currently the town is living in fear from this man who nobody seems able to stop. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________- So magic will be more like magic then powers. Spells require incantations, symbols, or ingredients. The more powerful the spells the more of a combination is needed. I'll allow most types of Creatures, but they will be more traditional. So werewolves only turn on the full moon, etc. Demons require host, but are able to physically enter the world through there host. Demons are also inherently Evil and think little of humans. [hider=CS Skeleton] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Occupation:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Apperance:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Histroy:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b](Lets face it every one in this day in age carried some kind of weapon) [b]Skills:[/b] [/hider]