[@Savo][@Caits][@Little_ninja] [color=Khaki][i] - Ritaka - [/i][/color] As Umichi explained what skills were to Aikoto, Ritaka looked back at the center of town. The people were clearing, either going off to train, buy supplies, or just go to the inn. Looking, Ritaka realized how many children were trapped in this game. Surely nobody would make them fight. What was going to happen to them? It wasn't until then that Ritaka realized how much of a death game this was. It might take months for them to finish. Then Suki voiced his thoughts. [color=Orchid]"The children... What's going to happen to them?"[/color] Suki asked. [color=Khaki]"We need some people to stay behind and watch our for them. We can't just have fighters, we'll need all sorts of people if we're going to survive."[/color] Ritaka answered grimly. How were they going to organize ten thousand people? They needed a leader, but there was no way someone would be able to lead this chaos. [color=Khaki]"We need to move on if we want to get Geniku before it get's too dark."[/color] Ritaka said, but he didn't move. He was still watching the people in the square, deep in thought.