Arimax, who had been leaning against the wall near the door the entire time, checked the time on his PDA. The room had been silent for several uncomfortable minutes. [i]Well, then[/i], he thought. [i]Might as well try to liven it up in here a little bit.[/i] He stood up in front of the group, smiling thinly as he spoke to the jumbled mess of mercenaries and true rebels before him. "Many of you arrived after me, so I'll just introduce myself again. I am Arimax Lispat, of Coruscant. I have every reason to believe that everyone in here is trustworthy - at least, as long as the money is good and nobody's family gets captured or anything silly like that. I, myself, am here because the Empire is in the way of progress. They need to be removed for the sake of both science and prosperity." He looked around the room for the others' reactions before continuing in a slightly more serious tone. "Nobody has left the room, so I assume we're all ready for the next step... What is the first thing we need to do to disrupt the Empire's operations on Coruscant?"