I can't seem to find an ideal writing partner, so I thought I'd give this a small bump. If I can't get any good results soon, I might try elsewhere, or focus on my group rp only. Also, since I fleshed out my ideas a little better, I'm going to post an updated list. They are [color=ed1c24]listed in order of preference[/color]. [i][color=39b54a][b]The Auburn Queen[/b][/color][/i] In a fictional nation / world, the studies of science are forbidden and have been so for generations. The queen who enforces such law uses it to her advantage and owns a few personal scientists. By working together, they rule the land through fright. The people under her reign believe she is capable of very terrifying things simply because they do not understand the science behind her exhibitions and claims. However, there are (of course!) people who break the law and seek knowledge. The story focuses on two scientists who barely escape the raid of their town. The queen's men capture a young female botanist who is special to the two men and proceed in a hunt for the 'criminals'. The two men travel across the land with soldiers on their heels, seeking the truth of a myth about the queen's supposedly dead husband. They strive to raise an army and bring down the queen. (For this story, I'm actually willing to play a few men because it's a novel I've started and never been able to get far with. Either that, or we can edit roles as necessary and one of the scientists can be female. I'm willing to be pretty flexible with this one.) [i][b][color=39b54a]An Unpredictable Journey[/color][/b][/i] A woman wakes up from day to day with various parts of her memory in tact. On some days she remembers nothing at all, while on others she can recall vague details. She is travelling with a male companion for whatever reason. Although this is the premise of the plot, it too derives from a novel I've started and never progressed far in. Thus, although I'll state the original intents of the journey and a few other details, be aware that you certainly don't have to abide by them. In my original plot, the man discovers the woman wondering aimlessly and crying, and suggests she travel with him as a companion. He quickly becomes aware of her situation and vows within himself to take care of her, as she seems very leery of people in general (suggesting at a rough past). His own traveling has been uninspired and simply served as a way to escape the towns that would not accept his views. A very religious man, he believes in a 'god' of fire and in keeping names sacred whenever necessary. In fact, he believes that too many uses of a name causes the fire to consume its owner. His unwillingness to share or use names creates suspicion about his character, and very few people seem to understand his unique religion. After traveling together, the man eventually falls in love with her and dreams of finding a place which will accept them; a place in which they can build a home and cultivate the land. She becomes accustomed to his ideas on a subconscious level, being weary of names even on her bad days. This acute awareness makes her curious about her background and her situation, and she eventually decides that she wants to seek answers. There are more details to the story, but they involve a lot more explanation and the ending of her partner's life. Obviously in our role play, I won' be seeking the end of his life, but the story of their journey and relationship-building. [i][color=39b54a][b]I Want to Be There[/b][/color][/i] A wife is abused mentally and physically by her husband. She has no friends and doesn't know how to improve her situation / doesn't value herself enough to seek a way out. She's terribly shy and doesn't dare breathe a word of her situation to anyone. However, one day while running errands for her husband, some incident causes her to stumble into a possible friendship (little does she know it). Basically, she spills some milk or something (doesn't matter), and a sensitive soul (would be your character) notices some bruising. She doesn't say anything about it to give her a sense of security, and strives to slowly develop a relationship with MC. This story would be about helping the woman heal and realize she has some value. [i][color=39b54a][b]The Drug[/b][/color][/i] In a futuristic setting, society is split between the uber privileged and the not-so-lucky. The world is infatuated with a drug which, unbeknownst to most, creates a sense of apathy and a willingness to accept whatever events / politics take place around it. Those who refuse to incorporate the drug into their lives are seen as little more than street scum and anarchists. Trying to keep her brother out of political trouble, my character gets caught by the police and sent to a huge prison facility. In this fictional world, prisoners are kept in tiny cells surrounding a huge arena where the drugs are grown and cultivated. The prisoners stay in their cells by night, released during the day to collect and prepare the drugs in the open fields. Meeting quotas gains them living essentials. Your character is a prisoner also and had been working to reveal the true nature of the drug. They somehow band together (maybe he protects her or just wants to befriend her) and they develop a plan to escape and fight the drug war.