[quote=@Little_ninja] [@Savo] It's fine, what's done is done It's just that I don't get much of a sense of achievement from RPs, there's never really been the end of a real first arc so far T.T Except for the Final Fantasy one [@Lennon79] Possibly the first one to get passed like the first arc No deaths in Dangan Ronpa, Didn't get through the first floor of the first version of this SAO RP, I gave up on the Ao no Exorcist one, [@Caits] Sorry about kinda ditching that one, just got busy during a period and gave it up, some which never started up. The Black Bullet one [@PKMNB0Y] didn't get through the first major incident and many others. Out of like 20 or so RPs, only one has actually gotten passed a first arc. Two have been continuing since they started and the rest are pretty dead or inactive (Well, I just joined two, so need to see what happens there) Sorry for just ranting suddenly guys Just realised that this was happening as I was typing this [/quote] I still feel a bit guilty that I didn't get the first murder out, even when I timeskiped it to the day when the first murder would of transpired. Anyways, no problem with your rants, somethings we just need to get out of our system since keeping it bottled up is unhealthy ^^ [quote=@Caits] I kinda stay with roleplays until they die. then I ditch them, and continue on. Mostly, I stay with them out of loyalty for the friends that invite me. Don't worry about ditching the Exorcist one. I'm still in it...but Jangel doesn't reply much there.... I really really really want this one to survive. I'm in a few roleplays that have been active for a long time. One's just started its second chapter, and the other...well. Is mine, but only because the owners ditched it, so...I restarted it after much discussion. Mostly, I'm in a couple of roleplays now, Running this one, my other one, and the other couple I'm in takes a lot of time. But I really want to be in more. Maybe in semester break I can join a couple of more. There's jut nothing interesting me much. Or rather, the ones I want to join don't get off the ground. [/quote] Too bad most of the unimportant characters/not a pc controlled character won't :P In all seriousness, I'm sure this rp will stay afloat as long as there are people continuously responding! I'll keep responding as long as I can as I don't want this to fall! [quote=@ItsToppyTippers] I use this site and iwaku for RPing. I used to RP on Tumblr, but got tired of it. [/quote] Only used a gaming website for rps or this. What was rp on tumblr and iwaku like anyways?