[center][h2]Lao Jaximas[/h2][/center] [@ItsToppyTippers] [@PKMNB0Y] Before Lao knew it, some one had already accepted his call. It surprised him, he did not expect someone to actually believe him. Lao glanced at were he thought Rey was, but she was already gone. Lao glanced at her Health Bar on the left side of his view, it seemed to full. He assumed that if she were to be attacked, she would survive, hopefully. A small chime rang about once again, another person had accepted, Dar. An unusual name, but he knew better than to talking about others choice in titles. Lao was suddenly thrown out of his own thoughts when he heard a small voice call out to him. Was he hearing things, was this a glitch? It was not, it was Ayame, the Player that accepted his friend request first. She had introduced herself, despite already knowing that, Lao struggled to hold his tongue, not wanting to comment on how he had already knew her name. It scared him a little to know that she pretty much expected him to protect her, but he was the one that called her over. [i]"Nice to meet you Ayame, as you know I'm Lao'Jax."[/i] he said the a smile. Another small chime rang out, a third had accepted his request. They would have a party of 5, almost a full party of 6, if any more came, they would just make another, if need be. Lao could not help but wonder if because people assumed he was going to fight the boss at the moment, they thought they were gonna die. The message was not very detailed and assumptions like that could be made. Lao shrugged stand up, opening the interface, he equipped his [b]<>[/b], and his armor, it was a short yellow shaw that came down to his elbows, underneath was a tight leather chestplate, his blade strapped to the small of his back, and he was set. Right then Rey appeared, [i]"Glad to see that you are back! Now, looks like your are the only person who accepted and came, anyone else can still find use...I think. That's Rey, and this is Ayame."[/i] Lao said scratching that back of his head and he introduced one another. [i]"Alright! We need to hit a higher level to take on the boss. With that said, grinding would be our best bet. But Quests will give us better items work with.[/i] he explained, most of his knowledge was from reading the guide. [i]"We should head to «Tolbana», we could probably make it before night, there should be a quest their also. On are way their we are gonna have to go through the Field of Crossroads, another place perfect for grinding. So how about it?[/i] he proclaimed, grinning, he was pretty happy about his plan, they may be able to hit level 5 or six with all the enemies that are their. [i]"But if we cannot make it by nightfall, we should pass Geniku on out way, we could stop their and rest.[/i]