[color=0076a3]"Yeah I know what you mean..."[/color] Dar said solemnly about the "ignorant" comment. When in a panic, people could react in really crazy ways. His mind flashed back to all of the people who thought this was some big joke and had thrown themselves off a ledge back at the plaza already. It was impossible for Dar to figure out if they were right or not, but could he really take that chance? [i][color=0076a3]'No, I can't. I have to survive. And I can't do that alone.'[/color][/i] Dar thought as he snapped back to listen to the rest of Geist's statement. It didn't sound like he was super familiar with how this game worked. Then again he wasn't one to talk. While Dar had kept up with the beta progress and various review sites that had talked about SAO before launch, he was still a noob himself. Still, he wondered how many people had been drawn in who weren't super familiar with video games to begin with? That was also a scary thought, what if there were children here? Young children, and now they were stuck in this horrible situation. The thought made Dar sick to his stomach. Still, he kept a level head as he brought up his map. [color=0076a3]"Let's see.....we're here so..."[/color] Dar mused as he went through the map. He needed to set a clear goal. That group wanted to meet at the edge of the grasslands, but it looked like Geniku was the next closest town. It didn't seem that special but it might get him away from the chaos. Wait just him? Maybe he should team up with Geist. But he was already in a group, should he ditch that one? Did Geist even want to team up with him? He had just met this guy. [color=0076a3]"Geniku. It's here, see?" [/color]Dar said as he moved over to Geist with his pulled up map so he could view the screen. [color=0076a3]"Nothing special, but it's away from here at least. The next major town is probably...this way. But you don't want to go that way yet. Not when it will be dark soon. That'll take you through the forest, it'll be too easy to get ganked there."[/color] Dar said, drawing his finger across the map up to Horunka would be. He remembered reading a blog from a beta tester about how Horunka was the first town of interest. It was a hunting village, that would be a good place to go to get some good quests and possibly farm for materials to make better gear. When it was all said and done, Dar put his map away and turned to Geist. [color=0076a3]"Pardon me for saying this, but you don't sound like you're super familiar with MMOs, am I right?"[/color] Dar asked. It was blunt, but he didn't really know any other way to ask it at this point. He was no expert himself but if he could help this guy, maybe they'd both be better off. [@LupusIntus]