-Makoto Aiko/Aikoto- As the boy awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, absolutely clueless and irritated, Suki and Umichi were incredibly polite enough to give the boy a detailed explanation of both sides to his question. Suki spoke of a basic one in his guide book, and promptly openned up his menu and procured the guidebook he gained a few hours ago. He eyed the one map she had while searching for his own, eventually coming upon his own regular map. Aikoto compared his own to hers, finding it to be a bit more advanced than the one shown. At the mention of col, he did recall something along the lines of that appearing on his screen, along with xp gained. The boy really didn't know what it was truly for, but now he could resolutely come up to the conclusion that it was this worlds currency. He did manage to get some through the enemies he managed to slay, although most of them were unneccesary risks in that challenge which caused him to blow off most of these potions that healed you. It was sort of worth it in the end since he managed to outdo them in leveling, but he probably couldn't take more risks in letting his health become red as now there was a chance of death. The boy swiftly closed his guidebook, and stored it back in his inventory for later use as their were much more important things to attend to. Umichi thankfully gave him an explanation on skills which evoked him to opening up his menu yet again, and began his search for the tab. He easily came upon it, and opened it up to find that he had two skills on him at the moment, one saying <> just as he made mention of it before, the other being <>. Finding the <> to be of no use to him currently, he went into another tab and took note of the other abilities he currently had on him, replacing it with <>. He didn't notice any of these things which could be considered profession skills which meant to him that they would probably learnt at another time. He quickly exited the tab, smiling to Umichi and Suki as his way of showing appreciation and exited out of the skills tab. Before he could take a further step forward he was interrupted by a child crying along with Suki questioning what would happen in a melancholic way. This provoked sudden thought in his mind over the current predicament over those who couldn't defend themselves in this realm. He heard their frail cries, pleading to reunite with their parents, relatives, friends in the life beyond the machine. Suddenly with another swipe, he opened up his menu, not even silently uttering a single word to them. Aikoto then pulled up his friends list and looked through the list of six he added and found his real life friends. As he clicked on Kazunova, Yuki, and Hibiskus a console was opened up, and from what anyone could discern he was sending a message to each of them, questioning them on their status of if they found a group yet or not. He could only hope that his friends would go along with his idea and trust him. As he awaited for them to return his message, Aikoto pivoted around to face his group of allies, finding that everyone else except Umichi was paralyzed by this thought. As he exited from the menu, he decided to tear them from their trance, knowing full well that there was only one thing they could do for now. "Suki, Ritaka you guys don't need to worry about that as I've got a plan for the future. Don't worry over the children, nor having an abundance of fighters as there will be a correct amount of people playing for each role. I'll attempt to set up jobs for some of my friends that they will do, ranging from gathering, caring for the children, etc. The only thing we have to worry about is ourselves now as we will be playing the role of fighters, mercenaries, you name it. We can also go our own ways, either being a cook or whatever at times, but we will play that job mainly for the sake of others. I don't know about you, but that's the way I'm going to go since I'm very efficient at times... Lets go guys, we have no time to waste here. The quicker we make it through this floors, the quicker everyone can leave this game, including the children." As he finished his statement in a calm and serious fashion, he beckoned them to follow him, finding no need to linger around this city. As Aikoto was walking away, a few received messages appeared on his screen, and he clicked to find that they were all less than successful in this ordeals. He let out a partial sigh, slightly glad they wern't in a party yet. As he followed after Umichi, he began inputing another message to them about roles, Aikoto hoping they would go along with his idea as they were the only people he knew that he could rely on other the people in his party currently. As he finished the message, he closed out his menu, and continued moving forward, drawing his sword in preparation for any battles ahead. As he moved forward, he pondered on the possibilities, slightly looking down and sighing to himself before uttering something silent to himself. "Please guys, I know I can count on you, so please go along with this..."