[color=ed1c24]A hunk of meat! Balon scoffed. Sure he wasn't exactly skinny but come on, a 'hunk of meat'? [i]Guard school, eh...[/i] Balon thought. [i]So she is a warrioress after all. No wonder, with that fiery temper.[/i] He kept the thoughts to himself thouguh as he eyed her for but a moment. Truly, the way she sat on the edge of the patient's bed here in the doctor's hut was something special. She truly looked marvelous, a stunning and mysterious creature she was. Mermaids truly are remarkable. He realized however that she had noticed his bliss, and he tried to hide it. Finally, he looked at her and smiled. If she was a warrior, surely she had weapons. Ah yes, she had mentioned them earlier...[/color] [color=f26522]"You never did tell me about your singing blades."[/color]