Sam activated his earpiece again, while walking a few steps back. "I'm not really going to 'change' into my suit, I just activate it. Sirjav, please activate the armored rogue protocol." Sam's backpack began to buzz. Sam spread his arms and legs. "And the name is Sam. Sam Stark." Suddenly, Sam's backpack began to unfold. It started to cover up all of Sam's body. First his arms, then his legs. After that what remained of the backpack moved over his head, creating his chestplate, and his hood. A V shaped visor then moved out of the hood, making the helmet complete. On his back were the two machine guns hanging down. "Well, what do you think?" He asked Noir, turning around and showing off his armor. It was the first time he wore it again since he showed his mom and dad his armor, aside from the few times he needed to modify it.