[color=00aeef]She smiled questionably as he tucked away the strange look on his face, then looked back at her and with a grin he stated [color=f26522]"You never did tell me about your singing blades."[/color] "[color=a187be]Oh[/color]", she flushed pleasantly, " [color=a187be]My girls, I have twin short blades. They are made with what we call Venus steel. Its metal that has been fused with the stongest demi-coral and the hardest gods pearl, and it has been sharpened with the sands of time. Any blade made with Venus steel is considere a very special blade,indeed. Its light wieght cuts like nothing ive ever seen before, but the thing that i believe makes it very special is that when you rub two Venus blades together they make a high pitched hum that we call the siren song. Its beautifully intoxicating."[/color] She sighed in admiration. [color=white]((Im so making this up as i go DX))[/color] She got lost in the memories of her blades, what the training yard sounded like as pairs of Venus blades were raised against each other.Each warrior making thier blade sing its own song based on their fighting style. She was very proud of her blades, and her dumb ass had left them at home. She headed straight into invader territory with out her blades.[i] But look, you dont need them[/i], her mind interjected,she looked at Balon... And thought about what her queen would do to her if she could see her now. She sniffed vaguly irritated at herself,Trying to act like nthing was wrong she changed the subject. "[color=a187be]So[/color]," She smiled slightly, [color=a187be]"You going to show a girl around or what?[/color]"[/color]