Jinshi shifted his frame to the ring as he looked around at the crowd eyeing him, he was excited that his match was finally up but he felt somewhat vulnerable standing there in the ring. As he peered back at where he had walked from, he kept in mind how eagerly he analyzed the other fighters and how he made mental note of certain techniques. [i]"Okay, I'll only show what I need to!"[/i] The Makyan whispered to himself as he watched his opponent enter the stone ring. Sampson towered over Jinshi both in weight and width, the huge figure was one Jinshi had observed earlier training with massive weights. As Sampson waved at and engaged the crowd Jinshi did some last minute stretches before cracking his knuckles under his thumb one by one. "Makyan huh? I wonder what you'll look like when I crush you into a pancake!" Sampson grinned. This was odd, was it normal for fighters to engage one another like this before a fight? Jinshi stood quite puzzled before humouring the giant with a response of his own. "Well then, I hope you don't eat me big boy!" Jinshi said patting his own stomach with a laugh. A sour look grew on Sampson's face as the comment registered in the giants mind, "I'm going to make you eat those words Makyan!" Sampson responded with a growl. "That's good, it looks like you've already had your fill!" Jinshi responded aptly. [i]'This is pretty fun![/i] Jinshi thought to himself with a smile. His only response was an angry grunt from the sour faced Sampson. "LET THE MATCH ... BEEEEGIN!" The announcer shouted charismatically. In an instant Sampson charged at Jinshi with anger in his eyes, clutching his meaty fists Sampson bought his arms down in an arcing smash, Jinshi deftly dodged the slow attack without even taking his stance. Adorning a somewhat disappointed face Jinshi looked over his opponent as he took his fighting stance and motioned Sampson to come at him with one hand. An enraged Sampson charged at Jinshi with his arms wide open, hoping to prevent any escape from the Makyan, however, Jinshi had another idea in mind as he dived feet first into Sampson's charging shin. The impact resonated with a loud 'thud' as Sampson tumbled forward grabbing his shin in pain, luckily the man's immense size prevent him from sliding off of the ring onto the grass, though that did not seem to register to Sampson just yet as the giant held his shin in pain. Hoping to capitalize on his advantage Jinshi charged at Sampson as he started to collect himself and return to his feet, the Makyan leapt into a powerful drop kick as he sent the huge man tumbling off the ring and into the soft grass bellow. The crowd delivered a swift cheer as Jinshi picked himself up and brushed the dust off his clothes. "What a quick match folks! All thanks to this rounds winner, JINSHI!" The announcer echoed as the crowd cheered. An ecstatic Jinshi waved back at the crowd around him as he thought to himself, [i]"I had to use hardly any of my techniques!"[/i]