Right guys, I'm sending out this post because its pretty obvious we're in dire straits, so I'm sending out the Bat Signal so to speak. It's pretty damn obvious that posting has slowed down dangerously recently, in fact its now down to just Bright-Ops and Tai here, and we haven't seen Tai in 20 days, which isn't encouraging but not out of the normal. I've been speaking to Mono and Kapuchu recently and both of them have unfortunately lost a significant amount of interest in the RP, and it'd be hard not to say that the thing hasn't been going slow for a considerable amount of time - three months to be exact. Currently, me and Kap's have had a conversation, and we're of the same opinion that it's probably a decent idea to close this thing up sooner rather than later, to avoid it falling by the wayside. Both of us- at least as far as I can tell- seem to agree that we might as well end it with a relatively satisfactory conclusion of sorts (with some debate over what that would be), but also one which we might be able to pick up again and restart if Kappa wanted to, but we figured we might as well ask you guys on your thoughts on the matter. Personally, I'm not exactly gung-ho about ending it- and Kappa isn't either- but we're concerned we might not be able to revitalise it in its current state, and it'll end up going the way so many other RP's have gone, and simply waste away inconclusively. But we wanted to ask you what your thoughts on the matter were before Kap's decided on anything, and whether you thought what we have right now is salvageable or whether we should end it now before it kicks the bucket. I know I'm kinda guilty of not being involved recently - in fact it was writing for this that got the question started- but I think I could resurrect my involvement here, my main worry is that we may not have enough people left to continue this- especially with the RP being starved of new blood- and my concern also lends itself towards ending this properly. Out of all the RP's I've been involved in, only one ever managed to conclude the game successfully, and that's a real worry for me with this game, and a worry I think I share with other folks here. I'd rather we give this a good send off than let it rot like so many others. So what'ya say? Think we've got a few more rounds, or would you prefer we begin sorting this out for a satisfactory conclusion?