[b] | Identity |[/b] Virgil Ovid Hawkins Static [b]| Origin & Backstory |[/b] Virgil Hawkins was born to a rather poor family, his mother a nurse for the Staten Island Hospital Center, worked long hours and barely had time to stay home, his father a STAR Lab low grade Scientist for contract. Because he is back and forth between contracts his time at home varies between, not at all and always on Virgils neck. Virgil himself, relied on the things around him to raise him, which in Staten Island wasn’t much, the gang culture was huge in Staten Island, with the Bloods being a main foothold in the neighborhood. His Grade school days were spent playing around in class, and not listening to his teachers, falling grades caused him to become sort of reviled with the teachers at the school, most of which Virgil himself found boring. Ivan became a Middle school friend who was always getting them both in trouble. Ivan was a violent kid, getting into fights with his teachers, starting fights during lunchtime, but he also had a Charisma that was unmatched, gathering himself a lot of fellow kids who felt that there was nothing out there but what they seen and lived. Soon rumors about Ivan’s Bloods Membership began to spread, Virgil being interested, decided to ask him such, Ivan confirmed this stating he could give him an easy way in…Virgil agreed. Virgil’s high school like was two sided, one half was spent with the Force Syndicate as their lackey and school dealer, and the latter was the class clown and class Disruptor, Virgil’s actions became more erratic and his penchant for trouble increased, which lead to his sister becoming an increasing part of his life, by this point however, he was already nonchalant to her punishment, and continued on forth. Virgil became much more like Ivan in terms of violence, which only worsened as the Force Syndicate grew in Staten Island. Their crime rate increased and eventually both of them became of higher ranks in the Force Syndicate. During this time however, another gang began to Rise, a renegade group of gang hunters calling themselves the Paris Bloods. Who began to hunt down and brutally attack members of the various gangs in Staten Island. Gang members began to panic, talks of a truce began, and quickly became finalized. Virgil and Ivan were originally not going to go to the meeting Both Ivan and Virgil finding it pointless to join with the other gangs that they were beefing with, however a few hours into the Meeting Ivan asked Virgil if he was coming along, which Virgil accepted and travelled to the meeting place, the Staten Island docks, Ground Zero is what most of the gang members called it due to it being in the intersection of all of the gang opportunity. The Leader of the Force Syndicate, Leonard Smalls began to speak, stating that the gangs all needed to stick together to fight the oncoming threat of the Paris Bloods, which gotten the right amount of praise. Sadly the Peace Treaty did not go well at all, The Paris Bloods sprang up at the meeting and instantly began to attack, a shootout commenced, and the entire scene ended in chaos. News crews and other interested patrons were quick to cover the situation and not quite do anything about it until the police came. To which They began to fire back, canisters of gas were punctured during this shootout, which quickly lead to it spreading throughout the dock. The Police in Retaliation decided to double up with what seemed to be tear gas, However it quickly lead to disaster. Most of the gang members were killed, either by Gunshot or the gas itself. Virgil was badly bruised and damaged during the shootout, and was only able to travel far enough to the home of Richard Stone, a fellow classmate who was his constant bully target. His father a former police officer managed to patch and managed to travel home bruised and mangled… [u][b]| Attributes |[/b][/u] [b]Powers[/b] Electromagnetism Manipulation: Static can create, shape and manipulate electromagnetism which (with the exception of gravitation) account for almost all physical phenomena observable to the unaided human senses, including light and other electromagnetic radiation, all of chemistry, most of mechanics (excepting gravitation), and of course magnetism and electricity. • Electromagnetism: Static can sense sources of electromagnetic energy or objects that can be affected by it such as underground water pipes. He can magnetize and demagnetize metals. • Electromagnetic Shields: Static generates an Electromagnetic field just like the earth and the sun generate their own Electromagnetic fields. Static can also create barriers and shields that he can use to block, repel, hold back attacks and defend himself in battle. Works very well against Metals, which as above he can use to both magnetize and demagnetize them, Pushing and pulling at his will. • Wavelength Tuning: Static can hear radio waves meaning he can listen in on the police broadband and music stations, as well as tapping into the phone lines so he can make calls. • Electromagnetic Levitation: He can use his Electromagnetism to cause Metal objects to fly, this can be anything from a trash can lid to any sheet of metal that can be located. Electrokinesis: Static can generate electricity from his body and administer it in a range of different attacks and uses. He can charge devices, drain devices and project his electricity in a variety of controlled ways. • Electrical Displays: Electromagnetic Light Displays that Static can shoot into the sky in the forms of pictures and words. With more power behind it, Static can make these into Electromagnetic Nets and/or Cage. • Electromagnetic Force Bolts: Static can fire Bursts of electromagnetic energy from his hands for uses like electrifying objects, administering large scale "Static Clings", generating shields and barriers. • Ball Lightning: Named after Ball Lightning, the weather phenomenon. Electromagnetic Energy compressed into a large ball and thrown at targets; an offensive maneuver in a combat situation. • Static Cling: Static can adhere most objects or people to surfaces and other objects, plus Static can magnetize surfaces. [u][b]| Character Notes |[/b][/u] Instead of Dakota City (Which I find a bit too small for this Universe.) I decided to set Static and most of Paris City into Staten Island, Mostly to build on NY’s Villian Scene there, and get Static more linked to the NY Heroes so he can interact with them more. The NPC’s are as followed. Ivan Evans: Virgil’s best friends and confidant went in a differing direction during the big bang, his current whereabouts are unknown. Leonard Smalls: The Leader of the Force Syndicate has called an all-out war on the Blood Syndicate, and any of its affiliates. It’s attempts to call a truce of the local gangs in Dakota City has failed horribly, and he now has suspicions that somebody from a rival gang ratted out the location of the meeting to the Blood Syndicate. Highly violent and very dangerous he is currently serving Jail time for inciting a Riot and gang Violence. Curtis Metcalf: Owner of The Hardwired parts store, seemed to be just a normal run of the mill Tech Support man, but there is more to him than meets the eye Martin Scaponi: Leader of the Five Alarm Crew, he was the only gang leader to leave the Big Bang without getting arrested of his crimes, A known Pyromaniac and racist he has a very specific problem with Virgil Hawkins and other Members of the rival Force Syndicate. Depending on the population of said Villian and Hero NPC’s I might adjust them to be fully playable PC’s depending on if either myself or anyone else wants to use them. [u][b]| Character Goals |[/b] [/u]I love coming of age Superheroes like Miles Morales and The Blue Beetle, and I thought it would fit perfect for Static, especially since Milestone comics was one of the few comic publishers in the 90’s to really touch on urban issues and even bring them to the forefront. Things like Gang Warfare, Sexuality, Drug use, Self-Image, and even the Rodney King Riots. I want to continue that, but have Virgil be in the thick of it, to create a growth of a character doing something better. One problem with the ghetto is that is not a lot of mentors or guides, nobody that they can look up to. Either they have the TV which only shows guns, drugs, and women, or Hood movies, which show them the same thing, they’re simply doomed from the start with no lack of direction, not helped by the fact of a lowered school system, horrible Extracurricular and I can go on. With Virgil I want to give him another way to discover both his genius with tech (Using Hardware as an NPC to give him the guidance he needs.) and Also other Heroes to show him what it really takes to be a hero, from there I’d love to see how it’ll make him grow. I also want conflict on what he was taught to do and what he is shown now, does he stay with his hood friends and follow their path, or go to something better, it’s never an easy decision even with the perks of the latter and I want to show that. | Sample Post | Maybe it was the crappy way he decided to sleep, with his arms being pinned under his head and scraping the bruises on his cheeks, or maybe it’s the fact the bruises was called by a near turf war over a drug deal gone awry. But Virgil woke up feeling horrible, Most of the bleeding had dissipated as most of them were patched up with bandages. He was able to sneak back into the house without much suspicion; however, that meant that was a lot busy trying to hide the bruises on his body. Lifing his body out of the bed, he groaned in pain as he stepped out of the bed, only to see that his his older sister was up before him. He blinked, The sneer on her face was enough for Virgil to know that he was caught. He groaned, but said nothing turning his back away. “Nope, not going to work today nigga.” He groaned again, she was always like this…snooty and fucking overprotective. She was tapping her foot on the ground, just like what they’re mother would do. Virgil blinked and clicked his tongue, thinking of what he could do next. However, he already realized he was trap, she was going to tell dad about his escapabes with Ebon last night, and he was certainly going to be ranted about all day. So in an effort to avoid his current problem, he decided to make a major decision, he would have to negotiate with Frieda Hawkins. “I’ll handle attic cleaning for a week.” “Hmm?” Her eyebrow perks up, However her position did not bulge she began waving her hands, signaling that it wasn’t enough. Virgil groaned in anger, what else could she want. “Look, I’ll work your days at Burger Fool, just don’t tell dad about what happened.” He swear, taking that job from Burger Fool at the suggestion of his dad was the worse thing he ever fucking did. It left Frieda with an instant bargaining chip just in case he got caught doing dumb shit. She smiles and chuckles. “Good morning little brother…” She said in a sickening sweet voice, ignoring his wounds now, and intentionally slapping the bruises on his back. To which he resisted screaming. She then walked out of the room chuckling slightly at the thought. Virgil lifted himself out of the bed, he tried to slip his hands from his bed covers, only to see that they were stuck. Of all of the fucking… He attempts to force the covers off of him, but to no avail, his hands seemed to be magically stuck to the covers. He begins to swing it wildly, only to see random items flying about, various CD’s a old lunchbox full of weed bags, and even his lamp. The lamp finding it’s way to clock him across his head, causing him to fall to the floor and the covers to finally become unstuck from his body. “What the fuck was that?”