Name: Lin sian Super Name: Photon In costume appearance: [img][/img] Out of costume appearance: [img][/img] Parents: Unknown Mentor(s): Dr. Light Skills: Stealth, Parquor, lock picking, hacking, studied several martial arts forms Powers: Light manipulation: Can generate and absorb electromagnetic waves, though the further they are from the visual spectrum the harder they are to work with. While this ability is generally fairly weak, he also has the ability to bend, focus, and redirect light, which is remarkably strong, and can even be used to keep industrial lasers and laser weapons from hitting him. This ability also works on hard light constructs, such as holograms and Lantern constructs, due to Dr. Light's training. He has been known to focus the ambient light into laser beams when need be, but they are generally weak due to the small amount of light in them. Personality: He always wants to make money quickly, and keep it as long as possible. This attitude resulted from his suffering as a child without enough to live on. His only weak point is for his "sister", a five year old girl he found living on the street and adopted. Bio: He doesn't remember his parents, just growing up in an orphanage on the outskirts of Gotham. The adults there were cruel, only caring about the money they got off of the kids, not the kids themselves. When he started exhibiting powers at the age of seven the people there saw him as a gold mine. With a metahuman working for them they could make huge amounts of money. They quickly pulled him out of school and started his grueling training, with one of the workers there teaching him karate via the "if you'd learn to dodge you wouldn't get hit" technique. They'd then make him exercise, followed by using his powers. When he became too tired to keep practicing, they'd beat him until he started practicing again. One day he decided he'd had enough of this and, when they tried to beat him, he blinded them with a burst of light. He ran away and never came back. He learned to live on his own, being taught by the beggars, thieves, and general low-lifes how to make a quick dollar when you needed to. He even learned to read and write due to the teachings of one of the homeless men in the area. The man was an ex scientist who'd let alcohol ruin his life, but he was more than happy to teach a child about math and science. From his teachings Lin learned about how you could cloak something by bending the light around it, and found that he could do the same thing with his powers. When he grew up he went to look for a more reliable way of making money and came across Dr. Light. The Doctor agreed to build training devices for him, and help him to learn to use his powers as long as he would steal things the Doctor needed in his research. One year ago, however, the Justice League caught Dr. Light and locked him up. Lin decided to strike out on his own, but when, a few weeks later, he found a young girl living on the streets in Metropolis's China town district he got an apartment nearby and adopted her, though not officially. He now steals things for whoever is willing to pay.