[Center] [Img]http://s1.zerochan.net/600/02/27/361352.jpg[/img] [Color=lightpink] "Americans get weirder everyday." [/color] Name: Jin Pae Age: 21 Country: South Korea Items you carry: •katana (Because it reminds him of home) •Very large back pack •Pocket knife (<_< Don't ask this also reminds him of home) •Clothes within the large back pack •Wooden Bat ( Obviously used for playing baseball and not for defending himself from strangers) •Odd amounts of American cash Skills that may be useful during our travel: •Martial Artist •Handy with electronics •Possibly a hacker •Athletic •Chotic Driver •Good actor More info?: Jin can be your best friend within minutes. Who doesn't like a guy with a awesome and funny accent? He went to America for college and kinda screwed it up with his disability of the lack of English. Years later when he fully grasp the language of English he decided to forget about college and go site seeing around America. [/center]