[color=teal]"I second that."[/color] Minako said while nodding at the hooded girl's suggestion. [color=teal]"It was my goal, anyway, to reach that town before nightfall. From there on it'll be much easier to reach the swamps to the..."[/color] Minako made a pensive face before saying [color=teal]"...hmm, I believe I said south earlier, right? Though, it seems that I made a little mistake and was reading the map upside down, so they're actually to the north of here. I'm sorry, but this is the first time that I play this kind of game."[/color] [color=teal]"Anyway, I'm Minako."[/color] she said while giving each of her companions a hearty handshake, befitting her merchant's soul, while inviting them to join her in a party, so they can share the experience and rewards from now on.[color=teal]"I hope we can make good some good business together.[/color] [@Asuna Yuuki][@PKMNB0Y]