[h2][center][b][color=f7941d]Geist[/color][/b][/center][/h2] [quote=@Grayscythe] [color=0076a3]"Let's see.....we're here so..."[/color] Dar mused as he went through the map. [/quote] Geist's dark eyes inspected the map intently, memorizing the major points of interest pointed out by Dar and the ones he noticed himself. He figured he could also activate a map from his own menus but it was good to have a rough idea of this level in his head, just in case. His thoughts lingered on 'Horunka', though Dar seemed hesitant setting out that way due to the route it took (Akira had no idea what 'ganked' meant, but figured it was something close to 'get killed' or 'lost'). Still it did appear a bit closer than Geniku, or at least the same distance from the starting town, and if Horunka was larger there would be more opportunities to figure out what exactly was going on with this world. Perhaps there was more danger but with even one more person watching his back Geist wasn't all that worried. [quote=@Grayscythe] [color=0076a3]"Pardon me for saying this, but you don't sound like you're super familiar with MMOs, am I right?"[/color] Dar asked. [/quote] The question shook Geist from his thoughts, his eyes flickering over to Dar's who was observing him more carefully than he would have expected. Once again, Akira wasn't sure exactly what 'MMO' stood for but he remembered seeing 'VRMMORPG' plastered all over the Sword Art Online box and could put the puzzle pieces together easily enough. [color=a36209][i]Damn these gamers and their acronyms![/i][/color] His immediate thought was to react with hostility but it didn't appear that Dar was making fun of him or insulting him in any way. Perhaps letting this person know he was a new player would work to his benefit... [color=f7941d]"Oh... was it that obvious?"[/color] Geist smiled sheepishly, a hand running through his wavy dirty-blonde hair; an act perhaps but one he performed flawlessly. [color=f7941d]"This is actually my first 'MMO' and I didn't really read up on the system all that well..."[/color] He offered a quick shrug before changing the subject. [color=f7941d]"But I think that heading for 'Horunka' is the best option, especially if you say it's a major town. If there's two of us, we shouldn't find too much trouble?"[/color] In truth, Geist had no doubt he could make it to the town on his own but if Dar proved useful in a fight, or was a pool of knowledge at the least, it would be worth bringing him along. [@Grayscythe]