[quote=@LupusIntus] Haha, an advance 'SORRY' if I make anyone wait... I'm in Japan so my timezone is roughly 12hrs different than the US (I'm asleep during your afternoon!) Edit: Also just went through the guidebook a bit more, you guys did an awesome job! Color me impressed. [/quote] HAHA Thanks I am glad to hear that and Caits probably is too [quote=@PKMNB0Y] Yeah, that took... A LOT of collaborative planning and effort from out last run. Luckily, we won't have to worry about that for the next year because of it! \o/ Edit: And it's a 13hr time difference from Japan to East Coast, iirc. Edit x2: Uh... I believe Ninja and Caits are in OCE time, but they have to deal with university stuff to they'll prob be on early their time or late their time. Or both, if they're lucky. I'm on East Coast (obv) and have school to worry about, so expect more posts from me from 4 to 10 EST, if anything. I'd recommend we actually get some general timezone ideas out there so we know what to expect. [/quote] Thanks for telling people for us PKMNB0Y I will try to get working on a post soon, after some of my studies