[COLOR=6495ED][H2][center]Rey[/center][/H2][/COLOR][right][@LokiLeo789][@PKMNB0Y][/right] The woman looked at the other female and greeted her with a smile after watching her bow. She seemed really nice, considering she was bowing towards them after they had just met. Rey then glanced back at the upper-left of her vision and saw that there were 4 names under hers. So, they were going to be a party of 5? That was fantastic! She was excited to meet the others -- hopefully they'd come soon. After hearing Lao'Jax's plan, and soon, Ayame's suggestion of heading to Geniku first, Rey couldn't help but agree. It was most likely going to get dark soon. It'd be best to play it the safe way and head to Geniku rather than try to head all the way Tolbana as the darkness came. Nodding, the brunette said, [COLOR=87CEEB]"I agree with heading over to Geniku first, as a precaution. We could probably even get some supplies and food while we're at it."[/COLOR] Soon, she opened her own interface and equipped her «One-Handed Rapier» and held it out in front of herself. She couldn't wait to continue on with this adventure to slay the mobs they'd encounter on their way and to level up and get stronger. Rey was ready to fight for everyone in this game. She was pumped.