[indent]Aw hell. We were surrounded, almost, by the beasts. The things had come quick as a flash, advancing as quick as the darkness had eaten up the lands before us. I didn't even have time to react before the wave of encroaching misery had enveloped us, and that had apparently made the Turncloak grow a huge iron pair. He hefted his huge halberd, took out his shield and did this whole "you shall not pass" dealio. Bit crazy, but I had heard the things out there in the shadows, hell I'd [b]SEEN[/b] them; and crazy or not, there was no surviving whatever nightmares that were coming towards us. I risked a quick look behind me and saw the rest of our merry gang hightailing it for the forest. I couldn't blame them for being cowards, I'd have done the same thing myself, but there was something about the situation now that...demanded that I stay. But I wanted to live. Thus was my predicament in the few seconds I had between running for my life and staying to die. The Knight was strong, this I knew, but...he just didn't seem like the type to sacrifice his life for people he'd just met. He had a reason. That crown he mentioned must be it; it must've been important to him at some point or another, and though we were to get it I couldn't help but want him to come with us instead of dying senselessly. So while my body started to backpedal of its own accord, I shouted to him. "Hey! Knight fella! Why don't you come with us?! If you want to get that crown so badly, come with us! You don't need to die again!" No response. That idiot was intent on suicide by nightmare. ... Fuck it. I drew my dagger and turned it on myself, or more accurately my glove. With a flick of the blade I separated a single bell from the hem. I heard it jingle as it fell to the floor while I sheathed my knife, and found it quickly while light still glinted off its tarnished surface. I fought the urge to run and instead directed my legs to head towards the knight. With a string pulled from a seam in my pants I tied the bell to his halberd's grip and gave him a good, hard look from beneath my mask. "Ah fuck it you wanna fight these assholes be my guest but you better come back, alright? I gave you that bell for a reason! Don't make me come back for you, alright wise guy? Don't make me!" With that I turned tail and ran right after the Lady, the Assassin, and our newfound companion. If he wanted this to be his fight, he could have it. I just couldn't bear to see a good man go out like that. I'd felt that pain before, in some forgotten recess of my memory. I didn't know from where, but I knew that feeling all too well. Good luck, Knight. Stay strong, stay safe.[/indent]