Dar blinked and shook his hands when Geist responded. He didn't seem offended but Dar still felt kinda bad for being so rude. [color=0076a3]"Hey hey, I didn't mean anything by it, just kinda noticed is all. Everybody has a first time...uh that sounded weird."[/color] Dar mumbled that last part and scratched his head. He was making a great first impression on this stranger now. It wasn't really that surprising to see someone new to MMOs here. When the VR technology was announced it reached a far larger audience then your typical video game crowd. And why wouldn't it? The idea of immersing yourself in a virtual world where you could be a powerful sword wielding hero? It was an amazing concept, one that would be hard to pass up regardless of who you were. There were probably people of all kinds in here. The talk of going together snapped Dar back to his senses. This guy wanted to team up with him? Already? They had just met. And he had a group already. Well kind of. Truth be told he hadn't even met his group yet, and they might be suicidal as he already had established. Yet Geist wanted to group with him. And also go to the town that he had just said would be dangerous to get to. [color=0076a3]"You wanna go to Horunka? Now? But it's gonna be dark soon and.."[/color] Dar started to say before he cut himself off. Dar brought up his party screen and viewed it for a moment. He didn't know these people but....he couldn't help them. He needed to help those around him. He had to be honest here. Not everyone in this game was going to get through it. The best he could do was to get stronger and protect those that he could. [color=0076a3]"Yeah...I guess we could try to get there. We might want to look into something as a light source if we can't get there before nightfall though. I'm not sure what the nights are like here."[/color] Dar glanced at his party group again before leaving the group with the press of a button. He then sent Geist a party invite. [color=0076a3]"You sure you want to group with me though? We only just met."[/color] Dar said. They might also want to find more help. He took a quick glance around to see if anyone else was nearby. [@LupusIntus][@_Middle_]