[h2][center][b][color=f7941d]Geist[/color][/b][/center][/h2] Geist nodded with the small twinge of a smile on his lips as he watched Dar's nervous shufflings. He certainly hoped this stranger could fight. [color=fdc68a]"I think we could help each other out, yes."[/color] He replied curtly, before blinking in surprise at the tiny window that appeared in the air before him. [i][Dar] has invited you to a party![/i] Reaching up, he carefully pressed the 'Accept' button and noticed the new green-colored bar appear on the side of his vision, the HP of his partymate. He considered what his new... 'companion' had said about supplies and couldn't deny the good idea, though he didn't wish to waste anymore time.[color=fdc68a] "Let's see what we can find at the stalls just inside the gate. The quicker we leave the more time we have till nightfall."[/color] There were indeed quite a few stalls just inside the city walls, each monitored by one smiling individual who bothered Geist more than he let on. After a few inquiries they were able to find an outfitter who sold basic travel necessities. Geist quickly learned that 'Col' was the world's currency and he frowned at the prices he was seeing. The frown grew looking at his own Col reserves but in the end there was little else that could be done for it. He spent about 2/3rds of what he had on one torch and three travel rations, leaving him close to broke. After stocking up he led Dar straight back to the gate and off down the road the map had indicated would lead to Horunka. The light was fading quickly as they walked but they made pretty good time without stopping. In the red-orange glow the countryside was even more beautiful than when he'd first logged on but Geist didn't even think of enjoying the view. His mind was on his next step, once he reaches Horunka: he'd need to find a place to stay for the night, some steady income in the morning, and a weapon better than his pathetic little pig-sticker! It almost seemed like the fields of milling boars would stretch on forever when they crested a small bluff and got their first glimpse of the forest separating them from their destination. [color=fdc68a]"Not much longer now..."[/color] He surmised from the faint glint of a lake in the distance. A curious figure could also be spotted not too far ahead, perched on a stone beside the road. Geist felt his legs start to burn as they descended the rise but didn't voice any complaint. He was used to physical exertion but he still couldn't help but let a bit of tired annoyance slip onto his features. He was just about to suggest a rest when a howl split the air. Before them, just off the path, three large dire wolves materialized in a collection of light. Above their heads were spinning red gems, similar to the boars around the starting town though a tad darker. Unlike the boars however, these beasts didn't wait for them to get close and went straight for the attack. Geist leapt back as they charged forward, crying out in alarm as a pair of jaws snapped shut around where his arm had been moments before. [color=fdc68a]"Dar!"[/color] He called out in warning just as he remembered the blade on his hip. It slid easily from its sheath but still felt awkward in his hand as he held it forward while a wolf rounded for another pass. This was a much different fight than the ones he'd had with the pigs but he bit through the fear creeping into his gut and pulled his blade back into the position he'd learned that afternoon. [@Grayscythe][@_Middle_]