[@Savo][@Caits][@Little_ninja] [color=Khaki][i] - Ritaka - [/i][/color] [color=Orchid]"Well. First step to defeating all 100 floors, right?"[/color] Suki said, turning to face them after killing a boar. Ritaka smiled, and drew Arms Length. Following the girl, he too began fighting. It didn't matter if the sun went down before they reached Geniku, because it was all flat plains until there. Horunka was slightly more difficult to get to in the dark. After he fought several boars and wolves, and slowly moved towards their destination, Ritaka stopped. He sheathed his sword, and looked up at the "sky". Stars were beginning to appear. Despite there being a floor above them, there was still a sky. Ritaka wondered what it would've been like if that detail wasn't put it, if somebody looked up and saw a massive disk above them? It would probably have felt much more like a prison. By this time, several stars were visible, and Ritaka could make out the line the supposedly made up the Milky Way galaxy. He had heard that each floor's night sky was as if it were a different angle of the Earth, though he wasn't sure if it was true or not. That would be something he'd have to see. [color=DarkKhaki][i]Mother, you've often told me to stop and smell the roses. Does this count?[/i][/color] Ritaka thought, then sighed. After closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he drew his sword and continued onward.