[@DJAtomika][@Shienvien][@OneEyedChurro][@Laue] Here is the general overview of the area you are about to enter. Feel free to use this description as you like to describe the new area as you see fit. I will be along in due time to guide you further with a new NPC, but do use this time for character development and interaction. [hr] [center][img]http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/23ad151c-5085-4cee-ae0d-bb39f38aacdf_zpsqaejabkj.jpg[/img] [h3]༒[/h3][/center] [center][color=DarkGray]As you run from the desolate valley, as you will leave behind the rage of searing stars and bitterly cold anti-stars of black, the world will change and shift. It will still be a land as desolate and unforgiving as it always had been, but as you approach the Shaded Forest and the Mountain, it will simply become more enigmatic. More puzzling. The dry sands will give way to monotone rocks of grey underneath a sky that will fade to gunmetal as the light comes around once more. You will notice patches of grasses not quite green littering the slick rocks. You will notice a river now flows along your path, but you do not know where it came from. One may not drink from such a source, as the water will burn those who still retain precious memories. You will go thirsty. You will go hungry. Despite this land being more verdant and moist than the one you just left, there will be little, if anything, to sustain you. The land will open, and the confines of a valley prison will no longer hold you, but greater dangers lurk. Beware your venture into this Land betwixt all others, for your trials have only just begun.[/color][/center]