Adelisa shook her head and shrugged. "I mean, I've never actually tried. I'm not someone who enjoys hurting people." She looked in front of them and noticed the others moving faster so, in turn, she moved faster to catch up with Morven. She looked over at Maria and smiled softly. "hey" she said to Maria. "How are you doing?" She smiled at Morven, trying to make more friends as she wasn't able too back then. She was free to live an undead life like she always wanted since she escaped. It wasn't that she's always dreamed of being a bloodsucking vampire, but she was happy to see the things she's seen. Even if those things were not so pretty. She atleast got to experience it. [center]~~~[/center] Theo chuckled and said "be careful. The last woman I loved almost killed me." He rolled his head to crack his neck a bit, stretching it out, and sighed. "Much better." He smirked at Jar. "What are you going to do about her?" In Theo's mind, women were expandable. Adelisa was no different. He just hoped Jar would never find out how evil women are when men loved them.