[center][h2]Lao Jaximas[/h2] [hider=Current Info] [b]Level[/b] 3 Current EXP to next Level [208/825] Col: 260 [b]Stats[/b] Strength: 8 Health: 600 Ability: 8 [b]Weapon Skills[/b] -One-Handed Sword Skills -Katana Skills -Martial Arts [b]Combat Skills[/b] -Parry -Battle Healing [b]Passive Skills[/b] -Acrobatics -Hiding -Sprint -Tracking [b]Current Equipped Items[/b] Light Leather armor One-Handed Blade [/hider] [@ItsToppyTippers] [@PKMNB0Y] [/center] All in all they came to a consensus quickly, they all agreed on the plan and it seemed that they were ready to go. The plan was simple, farm until they get to Geniku, get supplies and rest, then they would quickly make way to the Field of Crossroads. [i]"Alright, let's go buy whatever we need.[/i] he said before walking back towards the city. [i]"Before I forget, there."[/i] he said quickly before walking back into the city. Ayame would get a Party Invite in her vision center. If they were gonna travel with one another, they would at least need to be a party. Lao quickly bought what he could from the NPC's inside. He had gotten 3 Potions, with was enough for the travel, at least till Geniku. He spent most of his money on food rations, which slightly angered him, this was the first floor, shouldn't prices be a bit easier on everyone. Before he knew it, they were out of the city and on their way to Geniku. As they traveled through the Grass, Lao was fairly quiet. They would spot a few Boars, usually 3 or 4 and take one or 2 to themselves, even through XP was divided evenly through players in a party. It was slowly getting darker and darker, as they went on. By the time they reached Geniku, they had killed all in all about 26 Frenzy Boar. The XP would be divided evenly between them all. Lao yawned and stretched, Geniku was in view, it's lights could be seen from a few miles. With the calculations in mind, they would each get about 208 XP and 260 Col each. Lao glanced back at the girls and smiled, [i]"We got a lot done today did we not."[/i] he said with a yawn.