[quote=@Raijinslayer] Interested, but a question. Is there a character limit, and if so, how many? I'm planning on having around, lets say, 3-4. with them being a Reaper-in-training, a wish-granting dragon, and a Powerful Demon whose found himself bound and sealed to the earth, as well as now having to take care of a child. [/quote] One character, I may allow multiples later if I feel it necessary, but for now only 1, and I'm sorry to shoot down all your ideas, but here we go: A) I already mentioned that a Grim Reaper character is off the table, as specific beings will not be allowed. You do not kill, you do the menial labor for the agents of Death, because having a killer in the town voids the whole laid back, more upbeat RP experience *though you still may be thought of as a killer by humans*. Example, Valkyries deliver spirits to Valhalla, but since it's set in modern times, and warriors are lacking, they're now more escorts for those who die to help bring them to the Afterlife. A Banshee may do something similar, but since everyone believes the wail of a banshee brings death, she has to struggle with the fear such a stereotype brings. B) A wish granting dragon has the potential power to do anything, hence the wish, which was also off the table. A normal dragon who does not have magical powers, would be perfectly acceptable, though I would recommend avoiding such large scale beings mostly out of convenience. However, if you take that as a challenge to overcome via RP, go right ahead. C) Bound Demon falls into both evil and extremely powerful, unless he was bound for some other reason and he is not evil nor particularly powerful in comparison to other demons. Don't think of this as High Fantasy. Think of it as Slice of Mythological Life. OOC will be up soon.